Myanmar can't create a Google Adsense account

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Three days ago, I helped someone from Myanmar with his Google Adsense account as he couldn't seem to complete the submission of his tax information to cash out the earnings he got from YouTube. I tried to help him despite the language barrier. I needed to use a Google translator so he could understand me better.

There are two things that I discovered while helping him. I learned that Burmese is the language they use in Myanmar. ☺ The most important thing I found out is people in Myanmar can't fill out the tax form in Google Adsense. They can't cash out any earnings. I researched about it and found a query on the Google Adsense forum about the inability to create a Google Adsense account as they couldn't find Myanmar in the list of countries when they signed up.

People might find it confusing as to how he got some earnings when he couldn't even create an account. I found out that they used a different country when they created one but Google Adsense updated their policy. They added the tax submission and you can't cash out the earnings you accumulated if you don't provide your tax information. The only way they can get their earnings on YouTube is to ask someone from a foreign country to use their information. But then, there's a risk along with it.

It's always ideal to research something before doing it. Awareness is always the key.

Yuchae Moon

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