20. Interrogation

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Kisame chuckled to himself as he saw the old woman start to doze off. She had been all talk after all. He made his way back to the main room where the meeting had taken place.

Y/N wasn't here. Fuck.

With each step he took, he felt drunken and drugged up arms pull him in different directions. She must have followed the masked man because he wasn't here either.

He moved silently, away from the hands that reached out to him. He had always fantasized about being in a mansion with drugs and naked women but now that he was here... it felt... gross. This was gross. And the further down the stairs he went, the more his gut told him it was time to go. He needed to find Y/N and get out.

A backdoor was open. It led to a huge pool and labyrinth. Fucking great.

A stiletto boot was laid by the entrance of the labyrinth. She was in here.

He almost didn't see it, but fabric from her costume was draped over a branch every so often. The pit in his stomach grew larger. This was a trap. Did she know it?

He heard moans coming through the thick and neatly trimmed bush. At this point, he figured he and Y/N, alone, were the only ones sober. And perhaps the photographer who clearly had a planned exit route through this dimly lit green maze.

It seemed to go on for quite some time. He was expecting to find Y/N completely naked with the amount of fabric she had left behind.

A grunt, followed by a scream, and a faint 'woosh' being yelled. He was close to her, just not close enough.

When the labyrinth opened up he saw them. She was pinned underneath the man who held the camera. He had his hand around her neck and was pressing all of his weight into her.

Kisame ran to them, kicking the man in his ribs causing him to tumble off of her. A knife was only a few feet away, equally distanced between the three of them. Y/N gasped for air and scrambled for the knife first. The man behind the kitsune mask jumped on top of Y/N trying to get the knife out of her hands. Before he could do much, Kisame was pulling him off of her and lifted him up into a choke hold.

The man was short, probably only five feet, four inches. As Kisame lifted him, the man's feet dangled at his shins. He started to kick against Kisame until Y/N lunged to hold his feet still. He grasped at Kisame's arms until he lost consciousness.

Y/N grabbed the camera. Kisame dropped the man to the ground. A cell phone in the man's pocket began to vibrate and they heard voices in the distance getting closer.

"Y/N we need to move, come on!"

Kisame tugged her arm just as she ripped the mask from the man's face. Only whoever this was, he was young. Twenty-one at the most. He had red hair and markings on his forehead.


"Well, things got a little fucked towards the end there but I think it went well."

"Thank you."


"If you hadn't come... I don't think I would have gotten out of that."

"Let me see your neck," Kisame stopped to inspect the marks that had been left by the photographer, "I think they'll take a few days to fade. They're already bruising. And don't thank me. You're the one who left me a trail."

"But, also for the safe word."

Kisame looked to her, she stared straight ahead as they walked through the dense forest. She was strong indeed.

"Kisame... we can't go back. But the cellphone is still there. We can exactly walk through the city like this."

"Sure we can."


"Sir, the marks are very apparent. Look, why can't you just admit to us that it was bedroom play gone wrong?"

Kisame sat handcuffed to an interrogation table. His lip was cut and he was stuck tasting his own blood. He didn't speak, he only looked straight through the investigator who was pressing him. He got stuck in a room with the whole good cop and bad cop routine. One investigator would throw a punch or two and the other would beg for the violence to stop.

"Look man, I can help you if you give me something to work with. If not, she will press charges."


"Ma'am... please let us help you. Those bruises look awful. You don't have to live like this."

"I already told you! It wasn't him."

"It wasn't the guy in the matching kink play outfit?"


"Then who was it?"

"Look, I am not looking to press any charges, it was all a misunderstanding. Can we go now?"

"No. We've called our boss in. He specializes in helping those who are too stubborn to come to their senses," with that, the female investigator left the room.

At least they had been given blankets to cover themselves.

An hour later, the door to the room swung open. Obito.

"Y/N? What the hell?" Obito rushed to her side. He caressed her cheek as he inspected the bruising around her neck.

"Can I please go home?"

"Yes, yes, come on."

"What about Kisame?"

"What about him?"

"Is he okay?"

Obito looked to her and then looked away, focusing on getting Y/N to his car, "They gave him a rougher time than you."


"They were all under the impression he was the one to do this to you, they didn't take to kindly to that."


"I've made sure he's okay. He can take a hit."

Y/N stopped Obito before the went into the parking garage.

"What is it now Y/N?" he was exhausted. He had been up all night worried about his fight with Y/N and then worried about how the gala had gone. Before she left she hated Kisame and now she was worried about him and that only added to his frustrations. Seeing her in the interrogation room was one of the more favorable outcomes he had stressed over. Regardless, it was still stress.

Y/N looked around before pulling Obito's ear close, "They're planning a mass killing of the Uchiha Force. Obito... none of you are safe."

Obito pulled away and gripped her shoulders, "You're sure?"

Y/N nodded, she stared to cry at the thought of Obito being attacked. Or Shisui. Or Itachi. It broke her heart. She looked around the building to see investigators and officers hurrying through the lobby, going about their duties.

Obito took her hand and quickly led her to his car.

Land of Giants {Obito x Reader x Various} Naruto AUWhere stories live. Discover now