1. An Alleyway

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She was flying through the air. She was so close. So close. So far this had been one of the most annoying jobs she had picked up. Her target had led her to a well-lit parking garage. She had to assume there were plenty of cameras here. As she landed, she let out a pained grunt, she had to wrap this up quick.

Her target was a man named Kaede; however, his name didn't really matter to her. Only the price on his head – ten grand.

Y/N dreamed of having her own island far from any mainland. She wanted to live her days out peacefully and alone. She had spent the majority of her late teens and twenties in the military. When war broke out ten years ago between Konoha and Kiri she wasn't rich enough to buy her way out of the draft and she had just submitted a paper on atheism – so claiming war was against her religion wasn't an option.

Y/N had been recruited into a special forces team called the Root. She was trained to be a killing machine and she had performed perfectly, not that there was much of another choice. However, when the war ended, Y/N along with her team were "honorably discharged." Assimilating into normal life had proven to be quite difficult. That's why she was here, using her skills, to make a shit load of cash. She was determined to get her island.

Her target was fast; yet, Y/N had her tricks. She trained in this city, she knew every corner and every shadow. Kaede was headed straight into an alley with a dead-end. She smiled. This job, although annoying, was proving to be easy money.

She made her way to another building top and watched her target fall right into a fatal trap. As he made his way through the curved alleyway she made her move. As he rounded the corner he would find a brick wall before him and her blocking the exit. Check-mate.

Y/N pulled out her burner phone and took a picture of Kaede's dead body. She pinned the note her "boss" had given to her onto his jacket. The deli owner who owned the shop she stood behind would find the body in the morning. The note would have this story all over the media, spreading the word to the masses of Konoha – Pay up or don't mess with the Akatsuki.

The cash was in her account before she even exited the alleyway. She discarded the burner phone about five blocks down, just as she called for a cab.


The cab dropped her off right in front of her shitty apartment in the shitty end of town. When her team was discharged from the Root one year ago, they were each given $500 and a fake resume. That was it. The cash didn't even cover her deposit and the job market right after the war was non-existent. Yet, she made it work. She always had. That was when she began working with (or for, depending who you asked) the Akatsuki.

Even though it was an ugly building, the little apartment grew on her. Her neighbors weren't very social, meaning she didn't have to talk to anyone.

As she went up the spiral staircase and rounded the corner, she felt butterflies in her stomach. The door to her unit was slightly cracked open and the light was already on.

Who in the hell would dare...

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