6. Expendable

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Tonight was the night; her life was about to change. Y/N made her way to the basement door in 10 Rings. She didn't waste any time and made sure a sweaty giant wouldn't stop her this time.

Deidara let her through the doors and she continued down the creaky spiral staircase. As she approached she heard the loud noises of the boxing ring and the clattering of glass coming from the bar. Immediately, at the bottom of the stairs, there is a long corridor. The floors and walls are all made of cement. A few spots of cement are chipped away to reveal brick. Water pools in corners during the rainy seasons. Down the corridor, to the left, the basement opens up into another full night club. To the right is the boxing ring where two men ruthlessly pound each other. Y/N enters just as a tooth, covered in blood, lands at her feet. She spots Konan playing bartender and makes a beeline with tequila in mind.

"Hey babe, the usual?"

Y/N nods. The men to the right of the bar are making bets on the two boxers and arrangements for next week's match. They don't know Konan is with Pain and that she will relay every detail discussed.


Y/N holds her hand out to Konan who swipes some juice from a lime wedge on the back of her hand and pours salt on the moisture. Two chilled shot glasses are promptly filled to the brim. Holding her breath, Y/N throws the cool liquid back and sucks the salt and lime from the back of her hand all while meeting Konan's eyes. She laughs and the two slam their shot glasses onto the bar top.

"We will be fine in there, okay? I'm going to pass things over to Luna and I will be right in."

Another nod from Y/N and she walks past the bar, past the poker tables, past the lounge. A chill runs down Y/N's spine as she catches Kisame staring at her. Kisame was formerly with the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. He left the group before the war had ended, how he came to be part of the Akatsuki, Y/N had no idea. Two women nip at his neck and grope his thighs; yet, he kept his gaze on Y/N as she walked past him. During the war, Y/N had been tortured by a few members of the Seven Swordsmen in Kiri. The group was equal to the Root in power and ferocity. While Kisame wasn't present during her torture, she still harbored a deep fear – no, a deep hate – for him. As she passed, he felt it, her hatred, it only made him grow harder. He smirked and gave into the two women as Y/N rounded the corner.

Finally, the room where tonight's meeting would take place. The room was unique in the sense that it didn't have four walls. Behind the heavy iron door was a large and somewhat round cave. Water seeped through the earthen walls, creating a sell of fresh rain and damp soil. Tunnels led to and from various points in Konoha. Y/N took her seat at the round table, alone and away from the few others who had already arrived. She sat at the furthest point from the masked man she now knew as Obito, who cocked his head, frustrated by her distance. In recent meetings, it had become well known that Y/N, the "newbie," had earned her spot next to the leader of the Akatsuki and that she was the only one who knew what his face looked like.

She avoided his eye and thought back to last night. After she left the hotel room, Y/N had looked up the Konoha Police Force personnel, Obito Uchiha was the only detective with his name listed and no picture attached. Every report and news clip only mentioned his name, he was never one to speak or be pictured.

Y/N's thoughts were interrupted as a booming voice came from one of the tunnels.

Madara Uchiha.

The police chief and some of his closest and most trusted officers. All Uchiha.

The Akatsuki tensed up, looking to their leader for reassurance. What were cops doing here? He only nodded, it was a powerful gesture that they knew to trust in.

Land of Giants {Obito x Reader x Various} Naruto AUWhere stories live. Discover now