7. Operation Eris

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Hashirama, Madara, and Y/N rejoined the rest of the group at the table.

"As you know, Hashirama and I have personally selected Kisame, Y/N, and Zetsu. You each have a crucial role in taking down the current leadership to make way for more... progressive individuals," Madara said as he rolled up his sleeves. "The three of you will have the support of everyone present in this room. Your mission is only to be discussed by those who are present in this room, am I clear? Good. Now, the folders will be passed out. Folders will not leave this room."

Sasori quickly shuffled manila envelopes to everyone. Each folder had a member's name on it. Each folder contained different resources pertaining to each member's job. Some were thick, while others, like Y/N's, were thin.

Tobi spoke once more, "Take a moment to read your file."

Y/N opened her envelope and just stared. Everything had been typed on a typewriter. Untraceable. Various instructions were clearly laid out. The ink blended together as Y/N stared at the pages.

Her mind went back nine years. She had been in combat for only five months. She had become zombie-like. Aside from physical combat, Y/N had isolated herself from the rest of her fellow soldiers. One night, she sat alone eating dinner and that was when she had been approached. It was man in a mask. He told her not to make a sound or she would die. The he grabbed the back of her neck and squeezed until she stood up. Of the few soldiers they passed, not one was aware of what was happening. He roughly guided her outside and put her into the back of a truck. Her hands were bound as they drove for hours. There was no rest stop to provide food or a bathroom break. Y/N counted at least two moons to count the time that had passed. The truck stopped and she was pushed into a compound. She was rushed along until she was brought before a large chair, almost throne like. The man who had a tight grip on her neck, pushed her to her knees. That was how she met Danzo.

"Alright. Time is up."

Y/N was brought back to reality with the echoes of Pain's voice throughout the cavern. She hadn't absorbed a single word from the file in her hands. She quickly began skimming the content of the pages while the others began their discussion.

Obito watched Y/N's every move from the corner of his eye. Madara didn't miss this.

"Y/N, you've been quiet. Clearly you have some questions. You are the main force in this assignment after all," Madara asked.

Y/N looked up to find all eyes on her. She looked at Madara and blatantly said, "I don't understand why Zetsu and Kisame are involved?"

"Doltish woman! As a former member of the Root, Y/N, do you really think you can waltz up to Danzo and simply slit his throat?"

"No. You want the job done and I will see it completed. I just don't see why can't I do this on my own terms with people I trust."


"Y/N, if I may," Hashirama spoke, "Who do you think would be better? What I mean is, who do you think you could recruit that Danzo wouldn't suspect?"

"Suspect or not. Give me any one of my former teammates and I'll get this done."

It was Tobirama who laughed this time. Loud and cruelly. He suddenly stopped and looked her dead in the eye with a piercing stare, "You want to pick Sai, okay, he's been on an ayahuasca binge for the last year. He spends most of his time painting naked women or too high to know what reality is anymore. Tenzo committed suicide last month... And, by the look on your face, you didn't have the slightest clue did you?"

Y/N held back tears. This wasn't the place. She clenched her jaw for a moment before opening her mouth, the letter "K" forming in the back of her throat before she was cut off.

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