22. More Star Wars

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Obito took Y/N straight to Shisui and Itachi's apartment. He didn't speak as he drove and didn't say when he would return once he saw her to the door.

Itachi and Shisui were gone, most likely at the police station, trying to help with whatever they possibly could.

The apartment was cold and dark without them around. Stepping into her room wasn't much better. The pillows she had thrown earlier were still spread out everywhere. Obito had been kind enough to clean up the glass from the broken lamp. Drops of blood still littered the floor. She sighed, unsure of when she would see him again.

She stared at the mess, the drops of blood, and felt sick. She looked down at the clothes she had been given at the police station just hours ago. A large oversize shirt reading "Konoha Athletics" and loose shorts. It was like high school gym all over again. As dirty as she felt, it wasn't because of the dried mud and grass on her knees from her fight with the masked man at the mansion. It wasn't because of the lewd dance she had performed with Kisame. She felt disgusted by the way she had treated the one person who refused to leave her side.

In this moment without him, she found herself begging to whatever power existed to bring him back to her safely. I just want to apologize. I just want to take away all of his pain.

But what was his pain? A hurtful rejection by a girl eleven years ago? A controlling uncle and a double life?

The room darkened with envy. She would have traded all of her own experiences for any of that.

She immediately reprimanded herself for such thoughts. She didn't want to feel jealous of the man she so desperately wanted to love and be loved by.


Shisui and Itachi didn't come home for three days. Obito only sent a few text messages:

Make sure you eat.

We still need to talk.

I miss you.

When her housemates entered the apartment, they found her in full cleaning mode.

"Hey, you know we have someone to do all of this right?"

Y/N, on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor in the kitchen, sat up and just stared at the two men before her. Their eyes were circled by dark bags. Their shoulders seemed to be weighed down. She didn't know what to do. Part of her knew she should hug them or offer some type of consolation. Another part of her felt the guilt of not warning Madara in time. Yet, she remained on the floor, stuck in the belief that death is unavoidable and there was work to be done.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

Okay? They were asking her if she was okay when it should have been the other way around. She was oblivious to the fact that her neck was in the worst part of the bruising phase. Her neck was covered in a grotesque and deep bluish, purple color.

She bit the inside of her cheek – hard – as a way of snapping herself out of her old habits.

Y/N stood up and walked to Shisui while Itachi latched the lock on the door. She pulled them both into an awkward hug. Her arm span fully stretched to engulf the two men who weren't moving much closer to each other.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice was horse from the damage done to her throat, before letting them go as quickly as she had gathered them into her arms.

No one spoke for a moment as the stood at the door.

"Yeah. Me too," Itachi broke the silence and stepped over the bucket of soapy water Y/N had paced on the floor. He went straight to the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs.

Land of Giants {Obito x Reader x Various} Naruto AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora