Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

“Shit!” he hissed, he started to pace harder.

Paige watched Marcus curiously, she had no idea why he looked so worried, she guessed it must have been because of Seth turning April. She sat back down with a sigh, she felt tired and it wasn’t through lack of sleep she was emotionally exhausted.


Seth dragged April away from the church and took her to the graveyard, he smirked as he approached a tomb. He wasn’t taking her into the church, she couldn’t go in there, she would be likely to attack someone. He pushed the tomb door open and pushed her inside, he smiled coldly at the look of disgust on her face as she took in her surroundings.

“What are we doing in here?” she asked clearly annoyed at the smell of the tomb.

Seth looked around the tomb and scoffed, “We? I think you mean you.”

He slammed the tomb door before she had time to reply, she was still going through the change so she would be nowhere near strong enough to move the tomb door on her own. He walked away back towards the church now all he had to do was prove his innocence and explain why he had changed April.

As he approached the church doors he could hear hushed talking, he listened in closely and realised it was Paige and Marcus. He leaned into the door to try to hear exactly what they were whispering about. No doubt she ran back there and told him about April, something he was sure wouldn’t have gone down well.

“It was just a kiss, stop worrying about it,” Paige whispered.

“I know but it was wrong of me, Seth would be furious if he knew. Actually scrap that he would kill me with his bare hands!” Marcus hissed.

Seth stood back in confusion, a kiss? What were they talking about, he wondered. Then realisation hit him, they had kissed, when he had no idea but obviously they were sitting in there now trying to think of a cover story for their kiss. Without any further thought he burst into the church, he narrowed his eyes when Paige and Marcus moved away from each other, neither of them were able to look at him and the guilty looks on their faces only made matters worse.

“Oh sorry am I disturbing you, would you like me to go back outside and knock before I come in, maybe you can make yourselves look less suspicious.” He told them, still neither of them met his eyes.

Marcus didn’t need to look at Seth to know what his face was like, he could picture the anger, the accusation in his tone was enough. He knew.

“Seth listen to me,” Marcus said raising his hands and finally looking at him.

Seth ignored him and walked around to Paige, he circled her and then stopped in front of her, “Is there something you would like to tell me?”

Paige shook her head, she couldn’t even look at him. He wouldn’t have needed to read her mind, it was written all over her face and she knew it. When she did look up, she made the mistake of looking straight at Marcus. For what she didn’t know, reassurance?

The glances they exchanged didn’t go unnoticed by Seth, he walked past them both and went to the vestry where Celina, Nixon and Elisa were sleeping. He tapped the door gently and Celina told him to come in.

“Celina, can you take Elisa and Nixon out to the car, there’s something I need to sort out with Marcus and it’s probably best if you’re not here.” He told her.

Any other time she would have argued with him, told him no, demanded to know why he was so keen on getting rid of them, but from the hard look on his face she knew better. Something was about to happen, he was like a hot pan of water that was about to boil over. She could see it in his eyes that he was fighting for control. She lifted Elisa up and Nixon followed her without a word, he couldn’t even be bothered to argue with him, and seeing that his mother wasn’t going to he knew it was bad. They slipped out of the back door and went out to the car, Celina lay Elisa down in the back of the car and she and Nixon sat in the front.

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