Fort Laxdo

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Zoe was walking around, bored out of her mind as per usual. Mitsuhide wanted to walk around with her, however Zen was once again being difficult. Honestly, she had been told Shirayuki was taking the test to become a court herbalist. So she was glad to know she was. Especially when told she passed.

"Hey Zen, don't mind me training with you, do you?" She asked when she next saw him.
"Yeah, I don't mind, as long as you watch your waist." He smiled at her.
"Quit joking with me Zen." She grumbled.
"Let's just get started." He told her.

With Shirayuki.

"Shirayuki, once you finish the records for the patient just now, take these." Garak said, handing her two books. "It's Prince Zen's and Princess Zoe's medical history, though they're all together since all of their injuries and everything go tigether." She spoke.
"Prince Zen and Princess Zoe?" She asked.
"Because you are with him and Zoe the most out of the court herbalists. Take a look to help you deal with emergencies, and for the sake of your resolve." She told her.
Shirayuki began looking through them.

"This part is all medication for injuries... A scratch from a sword fight, a sprain... Bruises on Zen from falling off the castle wall in the middle of the night... Why was he even up there? Sword wound and bruising from attack - Zoe " She wondered, opening the next book.
"Zen and Zoe, age 13, Poisoning Symptoms and Progression..." She mumbled. "February 5th... Seven hours after administration, both Zen and Zoe broke out into fevers. For Zen, Shallow disturbance to his breathing, for Zoe, shallow but fast breathing. No abnormalities in either speech or conduct for the twins. Both stable for 31 hours. May 11th, after administration, Zen had difficulty walking, Zoe difficulty staying awake. Antidote called for three hours later. July 1st, Zen broke our in a fever, stabbing pain over his body." She said, tears tripping from her eyes.

Zen and her were busy having their sword fight when Ryuu ran over, breathing heavily and seemed to be worried.

"Prince! Princess!" He shouted.
"Ryuu, what's wrong?" She asked.
"I... I thought I had to do something... I don't know why, but she's....Crying...By herself..." He spoke. Zen and her looked at each other before running to the window where they knew she worked in. She and her saw their medical records open, her over them, as if she had read them.

"You saw them, didn't you?" Zen asked.
"You know what this is?" Shirayuki asked.
"Well, it's about me and Zen." Zoe spoke.
"Your not going to look this way?" Zen asked, sitting on the windowcill. She remained on the floor. Zen hugged her, seeing that she had been crying.
"Listen Shirayuki, we'll stay till you finish reading it, just to show to you, we're alive and well." She told her.
"Okay." Shirayuki spoke.

It wasn't long before Shirayuki rushed to Ryuu to see if he was alright. She had taken a glance at the medical records when she had looked at them. There was so much that she had forgotten about. She walked beside Mitsuhide, smiling at the young boy.

"What was she crying about?" Mitsuhide asked. He was stood at the opposite side of the bench she was sat on.
"Well, she was given mine and Zen's medical history, you know how bad they are." She sighed.
"I guess anyone would be traumatized by that." He nodded.
"Same... I saw some of the Information, I didn't know I was sick so often..." She mumbled, looking down at her lap.
"Now that you say that, from when I met you at thirteen, all the way to now, you got sick atleast once every single year." He stated.

She got onto her white horse and kept up with her brother.
"Coming all the way out here, it's no wonder it's cold." Shirayuki spoke.
"We are pretty far from Clarines." Kiki told her.
"Sorry Shirayuki, we're in a hurry, so we can only take you partway." Mitsuhide told her.
"I apologize, as well." Shirayuki told him.  "Thank you for allowing me to travel with you and even ride with you." She spoke.
"I can't believe you have to go all the way to Laxdo for an errand." Mitsuhide sighed. She pulled her robe tighter against her skin. "Court Herbalists have it rough, too." He sighed.
"It's because I'm still an apprentice." Shirayuki told him. "And we often study outside, as well." She added.
"Speaking of which, when I told Lord Haruka that you passed," Kiki started. "He said congratulations." She smiled at Shirayuki.
"But he said it with a sigh." Mitsuhide butted in.
"He's funny, isn't he?" Kiki asked. "You can tell what he's thinking immediately." She added.
"Zen, did something happen?" Shirayuki asked. "You're in a hurry?"
"No, it's the usual fort inspection. Fort Laxdo is under my jurisdiction." He told her.
"It's just so we can check they're doing well, don't worry, Shirayuki." Zoe spoke.

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