Chapter forty-six

Start from the beginning

"She thinks that....what? What is wrong with this girl? From where does she get all these bizarre ideas?" Omkara hit his head with his palm. 

"Maybe you never let her know that she's enough for you" suggested Jahnvi.

"Enough for...Mom, this is so unfair. I want her to be absolutely sure of herself first" Omkara couldn't believe he was having this conversation with his mother, but he'll think of that later.

"Maybe she is. Maybe she is not. But you'll never know, if you let her get away with the idea that she's not good enough for you" said Jahnvi.

"Let her get away....oh, I'll see to that. Foolish girl, I don't how she came up with this...." Omkara muttered to himself, as he exited his mother's room.

Well, Om took the bait as I expected, thought Jahnvi, Hook, line and sinker! 


Gauri was arranging clothes in her cupboard, when door flew open.

" look rattled!" she exclaimed, straining her neck to look at him.

Omkara stomped in, and shut the door behind him.

"You bet I am rattled. What is wrong with you?" he nearly shouted at her.

"What are you angry about?" Gauri shut the cupboard door to look at him straight. "And really? What is wrong with me? Are you really asking me that, Omkaraji?"

Omkara instantly regretted his choice of words.

"Oh no, not that. Not that in sense. I am not talking about your past or trauma, I am talking about something else. Actually, this is the problem. Remember, once long ago, you had misunderstood me to think that I judged you for being from the village? Well, it seems like you misunderstood me again" Omkara alleged. "Why did you think you are not good enough for me?" 

"I...what?" Gauri didn't expect this. 

"This morning. My mother had the impression that you are worried that I have been in relationships before, so you are not good enough for me?" Omkara had calmed down completely by now. 

"Well, it is true, is it not?" said Gauri in a small voice. "So, this is what you were angry about? But, why?" 

"Why?" Omkara was aghast. He walked up to her and held her by her shoulders, "Gauri, after everything we've been through, how could you think that you are not good enough for me? You are everything for me." 

"I know that. But it's not the same thing, I mean, it doesn't necessarily translate know...I'll always be the naive one in our relationship, and that is without all the...other issues. You'll always have that advantage over me, and I'll never be equivalent to you" complained Gauri, all her insecurities pouring out.

"Maybe you can divorce me, date a few other guys, then come back to me, will that make us equal?" Omkara rolled his eyes, but when he saw Gauri actually contemplating his words, he added quickly, "I was being sarcastic, you know, dark humor, don't take my words seriously."

"But it's a fact, isn't it?" Gauri pressed on. "And this isn't even the main issue. We are still stuck at whether we should begin at all, let alone the competition of experience; we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

"Oh, so that's still pricking you?" Omkara sighed at Gauri not giving up on his seemingly vast relationship experience. Words were getting them nowhere. "I can't seem to convince you with any number of assurances, so let's go about this your way. Only one way to know if you are ready."

He raised her face by her chin. Gauri looked up at him like a child seeking reassurance, her eyes a mixture of curiosity and vulnerability. 

Very slowly, cautiously, Omkara touched his lips to hers, expecting her any moment to recoil. 

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