"Welcome to this very special stream today. I'm sure you all heard what this is about, but just to make sure: This stream will all be about a cooking challenge between Daniel and myself and our bosses Andreas and Zak. The donations that we are getting today are all for the mind charity that McLaren supports for two years now. Daniel, how are you feeling about this."

"Very nervous.", the Aussie answered. "I'm not a specifically good chef, so I hope you will carry the team." Lando laughed. 

"You know I'm not good either."

"Yeah, I know. We're doomed." Both of them laughed. "But now let's welcome our bosses, Andreas and Zak to the kitchen." I watched Zak and Andreas walk into the camera frame with a smile and greet their drivers with a hug, even though they have seen each other for some hours now for the preparation. 

"Lads, how are we feeling?", Lando asked. 

"Actually, very well.", Zak answered. "I'm pretty confident that we will smash your asses."

"Yes, agreed.", Andreas added. 

"Alright, we'll see about that.", Lando said and turned to the camera. 

"Well, chat. You see that we are in a different setting this time. This isn't my house. This also isn't the Daniel's house. And especially not Andreas's or Zak's house, because it looks way too nice to be their home." Lando got some giggles from his teammates. 

"We do have a special guest today that will assist us during the stream. Maybe you can guess who it could be.", Lando encouraged the chat to be involved and the four men started to look down on the little phone in front of them to read some of the guesses in the chat. I also walked next to Wyatt, who was still sitting behind the computer and watched that everything was still working. I read some of the chat. 

"Charles.", Daniel read out loud. "Nah, we don't want him here.", he then joked. Lando laughed a little, Zak and Andreas as well.

"Maybe Max Verstappen, someone wrote.", Zak then read and shook his head. "Nope, not him either. He's too busy with focusing on winning the championship to join us." I had already read my name several times and I knew that the boys just don't read it yet. They continued to read out some other names and deny them. At some point, Lando looked up at me. I nodded, giving him the sign that it was time to reveal the special guest. 

"Alright. I've read the right name a couple of times now. And I think it's time to get her to join us upfront.", Lando then said and looked over to Zak, who was supposed to introduce me. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Tia Gauvin.", the CEO then said and the four men in front of the camera started to clap. I walked into the frame with a big smile on my face and stood between the two teams after hugging everybody quickly. I watched the chat on the phone go a little crazy in the corner of my eyes, but I tried not to focus on it too much.

"Hello, guys.", I greeted the viewers and waved. 

"Yeah, this is the part where we give over to Tia because we four" Daniel motioned to himself and the other three men standing with us. "have no idea what the hell happens next."

"That's true.", I said and thereby took over the moderation of this stream. "You guys do know that it's a cooking challenge, though, and that you're competing in two different teams. It's the drivers against the bosses. But you have no idea what we are cooking today, do you?"

The boys next to me shook their heads. 

"I have sat down with Jon and Michael before this stream. For everybody that doesn't know, they are Daniel's and Lando's performance coaches. Because it is still in the season, we need to watch Daniel's and Lando's weight. So the meal we agreed to is not only low calorie but also high in protein, so a perfect meal for an athlete. And what the boys will be cooking today is high protein chicken rigatoni."

All I know - Lando NorrisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora