Chapter 25

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"But what if I don't?", asked Tom in a notorious voice.

"Sorry, what?", Jaden was now kicking her legs in the furiously. "Tom Riddle, just put me down."

Tom put her down back on her feet  and turned her around so that so she then stood facing him. 

"I just can't understand, yesterday you were the one saying that I have a dual personality, but Jaden have you ever looked closely at yourself? Your behavior is totally confusing in front of me. Why?" Tom said calmly in a serious tone. He stepped closer to her and Jaden was completely standing against the cupboard. 

"I jus-" she opened her mouth to speak something but before she could say anything Tom bought his face gently closer to her and interrupted her.

"Tell me Pevensie, what are you hiding from me? Alright I trust you that you didn't look into my mind intentionally, but how on earth could you do that? There is definitely something you are hiding from me, just tell me." Tom almost whispered at completing the statement.

"I-...I don't know Tom. I really don't know" she replied hastily and pushed him aside.

She went near a table and took out the flour from the jar into a bowl. She gently poured some water into the bowl to prepare the dough.

"What are you trying to cook" Tom asked from behind her.

"Cookies" she replied coldly.

"Great, I am also quite hungry you know I skipped last night's dinner." Tom said casually.

"I am not going to give a single cookie. Not even a choco chip from my cookie. What did you expect that I will give you the fruit of all this hard work? And you will eat this without even helping, or worse, by irritating me?" Jaden was now boiling with anger.

Suddenly she felt two arms wrapped around her from behind and holding her gently.

"I am ready to help Ms. Pevensie" Tom whispered gently over her neck.

Her chest heaved as she felt Tom's lips grazing against her earlobes, and his icy breath melted against the bare skin of her warm neck. Tom slowly held her hands in the bowl and started molding the dough. Their fingers were intertwined and buried deep in the flour.

"Wh–at ah...are you doi–ng Tom?" Her words came out all twisted as she was unable to pull herself together with Tom holding her so intimately.

She felt a chill running through her spine as Tom slowly swept her hairs to one side and pecked her gently on her neck.

"Tom" she turned briskly and tried to push him away but Tom's hold tightened around her placing her in position.

"What are you doing Tom Riddle?" she turned her face away from him.

Tom placed his palm over her cheek and moved her face towards him. Her loose locks covered her face slightly.

"Just tell me in one word Jaden. Do you want me to be nice to you? Yes or No?"

"Ofcourse yes. But not in this way. I mean, you are so confusing Tom. It really feels so dangerous around you. Like yesterday, without even listening to me you just pushed me away, you were horrible Tom"

"Alright, yes, I accept I behaved rudely with you yesterday. You know why? Because I am really confused about my feelings for you. I really like you Jaden, I want to love you, I want to feel you but I can't. I just can't. I want to but I am unable to. It's just as if I want to fly but I don't have wings." Tom spoke anxiously.

"Then use a broom Tom", she replied gently.


"Use a broom to fly, silly. There's always an another way. You just have to look for it" with this she left him standing there perplexed.

Sorry guys this was a short chapter. Actually I wanted this one to be just about their feelings. I will make the next chapter more elaborate. Thanks for your love guys!

Do let me know your views about this chapter through the comment section.

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