Chapter 14

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Chapter 14~

What the hell just happened?? What was he trying to do?? …….I really don’t understand what’s happening since the morning, I need you Harry, Hermione and Ron..I need you all by my side, things are getting complicated day by day…..I don’t know where time is actually taking me……..I need someone to talk…..

Thought Jaden as she entered inside her dorm.

“Hey Jady, you’re back?? How was your slug club dinner??”, asked Agatha, lying down on the bed.

“Good”, replied Jaden with a fake smile on her face.

“Really?”, Agatha raised her eyebrow, she could see her artificial smile.

“Yeah, actually, I want to talk to you Agatha, my life is getting complicated”, sighed Jaden.

“Why not dear, c’mon, sit here, and tell me what’s bothering you”, said Agatha, now getting up and sitting on the bed.

“Listen, it’s about Tom Riddle”, stated Jaden.

“I know honey, when you say ‘things’ are getting complicated, I always understand that these ‘things’ are nothing but only ‘Tom Riddle’”, replied Agatha putting a firm hand on her shoulder.

Jaden just gave her a soft glare.

“Dear may be you don’t know, but I can see the way you behave when you’re around Tom”, continued Agatha.

“What do you mean?”, questioned Jaden with an expression of disbelief.

“I just mean, I have noticed that every single action of Tom affects you, you always get irritated by his ignorance for you”

“No, that’s not true, even when he behaves politely with me or behave so…so kindly, just sometimes, I feel frustrated even by his soft gestures”

“Yeah that’s correct, it simply means you are confused about your relationship with Tom, and you care what Tom really feels about you”

“No, I mean, yes, but it doesn’t mean I have a soft corner for him, he is an evil I know, but the only thing confusing me is sometimes I feel like he cares about me and then all of a sudden it feels like he’s gonna kill me”

“And what do you want him to be like, which side of Tom do you want for yourself”

“Me??....I dunno……may be just, I just want to be friends with Tom, see, I have seen he can be good person if he finds a good friend, with whom he can share his hidden emotions, so may be I can help him. And please, let me make it very clear that I don’t fancy him, I just wanna be friends with him”

Agatha said nothing but just gave her a smile.

“Just friends Agatha”, said Jaden.

“Fine, just know that, I am always with you”, replied Agatha.

“Thanks dear, I am really tired I think I should sleep”, yawned Jaden.

“Sure, good night”


Jaden changed into her pink colored pajamas and lied down on her bed, tired after whole day’s happenings.

I don’t have much time to stop Riddle from making the hocruxes, I have to get closer to him, I have to become friends with him, I need to about all his secrets and definetly Tom has a soft corner in his heart, the only thing is that right now that corner is in darkness, with my friendship and compassion I have to throw the light on that corner, and after today’s incident, my sixth sense is saying that Tom is interested in me, and a girl’s sixth sense is never wrong…….

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