Chapter 15

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Chapter 15~

Jaden entered the common hall with a bubbly face as she climbed the first step of the ladder of her task, Tom has finally accepted her proposal of friendship and everything was going fine.

“Jade, here you are, I was searching for you in the whole common room, how come you were out of your bed so early in the morning?”, asked Agatha stuffing a toast in her mouth.

“Morning Agatha, yeah I was awake a bit too early this morning, I had some homework to complete”, replied Jaden taking her seat beside Jaden.

“You look so delighted this morning, anything special my dear?”, Agatha raised an eyebrow at her with a slight curve on her lips.

“Ohh……I mean nothing special but I am just feeling so vibrant today, I think I had a good sleep yesterday”, replied Jaden shyly.

“Great, happy to see you so energetic after so many days”, stated Agatha poring some juice in her goblet.

“Hey, Jaden”

Jaden heard a whisper calling behind her, she quickly turned over to face the voice.

“Hi, Daniel”, Jaden widened her eyes as she noticed him wearing the quidditch dress.

“Well, its my first match today with the Gryffindors as a seeker, I just wanted some best wishes from my new friend”, said Daniel, giving the sweetest of his smiles which could make any girl fall for him.

“Quidditch? Wait a second, you have the match with the Gryffindors?”, asked Jaden in a worried voice.

“Yeah, of course, is there any problem to wish me luck, I am an opponent”, chuckled Daniel.

“Oh, no, no…no…I just asked because I forgot about today’s match, well, wish you all the best Daniel, I know you’re going to rock in today’s match”, smiled Jaden.

“Thanks lovely, I am sure your wishes are going to work the most for me”, said Daniel and turned back towards the Hufflepuff table.

Oh God! How can I forget about today’s match…..

Thought Jaden with a frown.

“Hey, anything wrong?”, asked Agatha.

“Why didn’t you remind me of todays quidditch match, I forgot to wish Charlus a good luck, he told me to meet him before the match in the common room”

“Yeah, I remember I saw Charlus in the common room waiting for someone, but I thought you might remember”

“Merlin’s beard, I forgot, I need to go, he might still be waiting for me, that’s why he didn’t come for the breakfast”, said Jaden, hurrying for the great hall’s door.

“Fine, I’ll see you after the match”, called out Agatha.

Jaden ran to the Gryfifndor common room and saw Charlus sitting in the couch, properly dressed in the quidditch uniform.

“Oh Charlus, I am sorry, I’m really sorry my dear, please forgive me, please, please, please, I was a bit stressed yesterday’s night Charlus that’s why the match….it just slipped from my mind, I didn’t want to hurt you dear, I’m sorry charlus please, say that you ain’t mad at me”, spoke Jaden everything in one breath as she ran towards him and sat down beside him, looking at with moist eyes.”

“Charlus, look at me”, pleaded she.

Charlus turned his soft gaze towards her and broke into a sudden laugh, he wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder,

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