Chapter 9

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Chapter 9~

Tom was perplexed at the reaction of Jaden

Why she said that, she is alone because of me, why she behaves so weird around me, why every time she blames me for all her sufferings...why me???....I can't believe this, I am trying to help that girl and she is continuously rejecting me...She said her parents were murdered, that means she is an orphan...but why hell I tried to console her she is nothing but just a half blood filthy mean nothing to me Pevensie....I can't tolerate rejection're going to regret your actions.

He returned to his dorm and after a lot of struggles with his thoughts he was sleep.

Jaden was lying still on her bed, everyone was asleep including Agatha.

Tom really tried to help me, but again I snapped on him....Oh God I have to control my anger otherwise I am gonna fail in the task given by Dumbledore...I need to get closer to him..I need to know about his intentions...and most important stop him from making the Hocruxes...

I know he is an evil person but today I felt that...he can feel my emotions...I felt safe in his arms....Tom showed concern for me...he has...he has a soft corner for me in his heart....

Mom, Dad, please give me strength to overcome these problems...Hermione, Harry, Ron....I need you by my side...I hope you are alright Harry............

Soon Jaden fell asleep, embracing all her emotions. Next morning she thought to apologies with Tom for last night.

She woke up early the next morning, took a long shower to lighten up the weight of emotions in her mind. She put on her Gryffindor robes and headed towards the common room. It was empty as most of the students were still in their dorms fast asleep.

She sat on the couch and completed her Transfiguration's homework. After that she took out a book on the History of Hogwarts and started reading until Charlus came and greeted her in a soft voice.

"Good morning my little princess, how are you?", Charlus sat beside her on the couch.

"Hey Charlus, do I look like a little princess?", asked Jaden pointing her fingers to the dark circles under her eyes.

"I know you are so tired Jade, you miss your home, but don't worry I am just like your family, I care for you so much dear, and that's why you're my little princess. I don't know Jady, but I feel a responsibility towards you. I just want to protect you from all the evil", stated Charlus caressing her cheeks in a fatherly manner.

Jaden felt so heartwarming with Charlus' words, "Thank you Charlus, that makes me feel light, at least I have someone here who cares for me"

Oh..I wish!! I could tell you every truth grandpa....I could tell you that I am your grand daughter......

"Have you ever notice Jade, our face and features resemble a lot", said Charlus.

Jaden smiled at this and gave him a slight nod.

"Guys....hellooo...I am ready lets go get our breakfasts and then we have Charms and after that its DADA", came Agatha towards the common room.

For the entire breakfast Jaden kept on looking at Tom, she wanted to apologies for her previous behavior, but Tom was constantly ignoring her. She saw Tom leaving the Great hall and moving towards Charms classroom. There were still 30 mins left for their first class to begin.

Jaden entered the empty classroom only having Tom inside and rushed towards him taking a seat beside him.

Tom gave a nasty look to her, "Who gave you the permission to sit beside me Pevensie"

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