Chapter 21

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"Tom, you need to see it, right now", a voice interrupted from behind.

Both Tom and Jaden suddenly came out of the trance and it seems they realized what was going to happen if they'd gotten a little more close.

"Who the hell is this?", called out Tom in an irritated voice.

Tom and Jaden let go of each others and hold and got up just to see it was Abraxas Malfoy who stopped a delicate moment from happening. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Tom, I hope I didn't interrupt anything", replied Abraxas regretting his action.

"Of course you did nonsense", Tom cursed under his breath.

Jaden was standing their silently recapping the moments they shared minutes ago and she was still in a daze thinking what would have happened if it wasn't for Abraxas interrupting them.

"C'mon tell me what was so important that you disturbed me amidst a private moment.", Tom said clenching his jaw.

"Sorry? Private moment?", Jaden suddenly came out of her daze and asked raising her eyebrows. 

Tom totally ignored her question. His focus at that moment was totally at the stupid behavior of Malfoy. 

"I'm really sorry Tom, it was just about Myr-", before he could complete his sentence he realized the presence of Jaden their, "It's just something important, we can discuss it later when you're free", he changed his sentence.

"Better you move your ass as soon as you can Malfoy, I'm not in a mood to tolerate your stupid face anymore, get lost", said an irritated Tom.

"I'm sorry again, I leave you then, see you later", Abraxas left with a last glare at Jaden.

Jaden and Abraxas' eyes locked for a quarter of a second, and suddenly she felt remembered the guy following here at black lake was no one else but Abraxas Malfoy.

Why the hell this Malfoy boy has been following me since first at the lake and then on that night in the corridor...what does he want from me?

Jaden was lost in her thoughts, and then she remembered from her past...

His pale skin, blonde hairs, his personality.....everything...everything reminds me of him.....and why not? he is a Malfoy of course *smirks*..... Oh Draco's impossible to forget you...all those feelings., those moments, everything felt real, I don't know if I still lo-

"Jaden, hey Jaden...", Tom shook Jaden by her shoulders.

"Huh?" she replied and her face seemed as if she was awaken from a deepest of deep sleep.

"Everything okay? You look somewhat lost looking at Abraxas Malfoy"

"Oh yeah, yeah, emmm... I'm good, I was just....just wondering, why did you freak out when Malfoy came to you, I mean why did you overreact?" of course she lied about what she was thinking, but yes, it was a valid question.

"What? I never overreacted, it's just people need to learn to respect our privacy", actually Tom didn't know himself why he was so concerned about his and Jaden's privacy.

Any thoughts?????

Your Love's a RiddleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora