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I need help! 😣

So I need help with names for two different stories. One is a story involving three sister (big twin sisters with a younger sis) and the other is a boy and girl twin.

For the first story I liked Poppy and Holly for the twins, but I didn't know what the younger sister's name should be. I thought about Rosemary or Posey or Daisy.

I also liked Raven and Robin for the twins and then I juggled between Mavis and Starling for the younger sister. Then I found Annabelle, Mirabelle, and Isabelle (Nicknames being Anna, Mira, and Isa) and I liked it, but I thought that it was too matchy matchy.

I finally thought that Gloria, Darcia(Daria), Erica, and Monica were good together, but that's four names! 🤦

Then there's my other set of twins. I already have the boy's name, but the girl is a little more complicated. I thought Coralie, Rosallie/Rosalice, Esmera/Esmra, Coresme/Corasme, and Esmeray.

Yes both stories are twilight fanfics, and maybe some are kinda tacky, but I'm open to name suggestions and I'm going around in circles 😖

Thank you everyone. Stay safe and have a wonderful day my kings, queens and non-binary royalty 🥰

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