Chapter 10: Calling the Cullens

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Evelyn's POV
Today's the day. I need the Cullen's account on Bella's behavior, and after weeks of intense research I found that they had cousins in Alaska with a phone number.

Bella was..... 'busy' in Seattle and Charlie was at work, so I was home alone. Meaning that I had privacy. I decided to use my cellphone instead of the house phone in case they called back for any reason.

I dialed the number and waited patiently for them to answer after the third ring someone picked up "Hello?"  A feminine voice asked. I swallowed nervously before saying in an upbeat voice "Hi, I'm Evelyn Fisk, I'm looking for either an Eleazer Denali or a Tanya Denali. May I ask who I'm speaking to?" the woman responded by saying "I'm Carmen, Eleazer's wife. Why are you looking for him and Tanya?"

I bit my lip nervously before saying "Please don't hang up," she sounded suspicious but said "Alright..." I took a deep breath before saying "I'm Isabella Swan's cousin, I believe that she was dating your cousin Edward Cullen?" Carmen took a deep breath and tensely said "Yes....they were" I nodded my head in self confirmation before saying "I need to get in touch with the Cullens.... I know that Bella hurt him, but he's not the first she's done this to, and I doubt he'll be the last."

Carmen's breath hitched and she panicky asked "What do you mean? What are you talking about? What did she tell you?" That was all the confirmation that I needed "So she did blackmail him into dating her..." Carmen sighed before saying "Yes, she did. He truly did want to be friends, at first, but after getting to know her and realizing how horrible she was..."

She didn't need to say anything else "I know. She's blackmailed other boys into being her boyfriend. She'll do it to others if we let her" "I don't—" Carmen is cut off when there's a scuffle on the other end of the line before a feminine voice sounding like wind chimes chirps "Hi! I'm Alice, Edward's sister. You're name is Evelyn right?" I blinked and said "Yeah...?" "It's so nice to speak to you. You said that you want to stop Bella from ruining others lives?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, I do" I said determined, she responded with a bell like laugh and said "Okay, what do we need to do" I answered quickly "I need to document you experience with her. Any pictures, texts, or notes that you may have saved I need you to send me, and I also want to record your testimonies" "Okay, it's done. We'll be there in one week" I sat on my bed dumbfounded.

"Wait...what? You're coming back to Forks?" I asked confused, she laughed again and said "Yes! That's what I said. I send you the address to our house once we're there, and you can come over!" I blurted out "But why would you come back after everything that happened?" I could feel her joy through the phone "Because of you Evelyn!" Then she hung up.

I sat there frozen on my bed 'Because of me? But why me? What's so special about me?' I thought confused. It sounded like Alice knew more than she was saying. I frowned as I robotically went downstairs and made dinner for Charlie and Bella before going back upstairs and getting ready for bed.

I laid there for hours scanning and analyzing Alice's last words

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I laid there for hours scanning and analyzing Alice's last words. 'What made me so special that an entire family would come back to this hell mouth just to meet me?'

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