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"Y/n! There you are!" Abuela smiled as Camilo and I walked into Casita. Camilo dropped my hand but stayed next to me as I walked over to Abuela. "Here I am, what do you need?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. "With your new powers, the one where you copy ours, we wanted to see if you could have all of them at once!" Pepa smiled as she walked into the foyer. "Oh, alright.. any reason why?" I asked. "Just testing how far we can push your gift." Abuela hummed, walking away to find the rest of the family.

I turned to Camilo who looked a bit anxious. "Isn't it a bit early to be pushing me to my limit? I mean I haven't even tested everyone's gifts on myself yet." I asked, anxiety coursing through me. "You'll be okay. If not, I'll be right here to catch you. Literally and metaphorically." Camilo smiled at me. I took a deep breath and nodded, looking back over at Pepa who was explaining the situation to Isabella.

After a few moments, all of the Madrigals were in Casita's foyer, with the exception of Mirabel and Bruno.

"How does your gift work?" Isabella asked, an annoyed attitude radiating off of her.

What has her vines in a twist?

"When I touch one of you I get your gift... I think." I explained. "What do you mean you think?" Isabella asked again, Julieta placing a hand on her shoulder. "Well, I think it works like that because out of everyone I've gotten powers from, that's how it worked." I snapped back, crossing my arms. "Mi vida," Camilo whispered, giving me a look to stop. I nodded and relaxed my shoulders, looking over at Abuela for what we were about to do.

"Well, Y/n, hold out your arm and everyone with a gift will touch you." Abuela directed. I stared at her hesitantly before uncrossing my arms and looking at all the gifted Madrigals.

"Abuela," I started, looking over at her again. "Isn't it a bit early to be doing all of this?" I asked. Abuela shook her head, "Nonsense. Now stick your arm out."

I sighed and did so. "Everyone touch me at the same time. It won't work if you don't.." I mumbled, looking around as the gifted Madrigals circled around me. I had to tilt my arm down slightly for Antonio but other than that, I was comfortable.

"3..." Abuela began counting down. "2..." I looked around at the Madrigals' hands anxiously, praying nothing bad would happen. Abuela was quiet for a moment, making me look up at Camilo. He nodded at me reassuringly.

As Camilo promised, he was right next to me, preparing to help me immediately if anything went wrong.

"1." Abuela stated. All the Madrigals put their hand on my arm. For a millisecond, I felt fine, but then a rush went up my arm from my hand and went straight to my head.

I stumbled back as I felt dizzy and it looked like the world was spinning and blurry. "Y/n?!" Someone exclaimed, though they sounded muffled. My head felt like it was being squeezed, making me trip over myself and fall into someone's arms.

"Mi vida, come on," Camilo whispered. I opened my eyes as best I could and saw a blurry Camilo looking down at me, an icy blue light on his face. I let out a breath and closed my eyes again, the pressure in my head becoming too much. "Lay her down, Camilo!" Julieta directed. Then I passed out.


"Y/n..?" A distant voice asked. "Y/n, wake up.." It was a woman's voice. "Camilo, she'll be okay. It's only been a couple seconds and she's coming to," Another woman's voice. I inhaled deeply before letting it go, trying to open my eyes. "Her color is coming back, she's waking up," The first woman's voice.

I began to open my eyes. It was much darker than I remember before I passed out. I looked past the two people in my vision at the sky, seeing grey. It was cloudy. I focused back on the two people leaning over me, trying to recognize their blurred figures.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?" One of the people over me asked, it was a man's voice. "Yeah.. I can.." I mumbled, my head starting to pound as everything slowly came back into focus. Visually and in my mind. "Luisa go get some water," The other person instructed as they turned around for a moment, Julieta's voice.

I looked over at the man, his face coming into focus with everything else. It was Agustín. "Y/n, is everything blurry right now?" Julieta asked. "No.. it just cleared up.." I mumbled as I placed my hand near my hip and began pushing myself up, now able to hear how slurred my words were. "No, no, no," Agustín said as he placed a hand on my shoulder and began pushing me back. "Camilo come sit where her head is, massage her scalp to help with the headache." Julieta instructed as Luisa came into my vision with a cup of water.

Agustín let up with his pushing, which led me to sit up more. Though as Camilo sat down behind me, Agustín starting pushing me again, and my weak body gave in. Camilo gently lifted my H/L hair and held it up as I laid my head down in his lap. Camilo let my hair fall as he smiled down at me, running his fingers along my scalp soothingly.

"What happened..?" I asked after a few minutes, my head clearing up from brain fog.

"You passed out." Isabella stated. "Yeah, I gathered that much," I scoffed. "What's the last thing you remember?" Agustín asked, rubbing my shoulder soothingly. "Um.. feeling a rush up my arm then stumbling into someone," I answered as Camilo and Julieta started to sit me up. "Here," Julieta whispered, giving me the cup of water. I nodded at her in thanks as Camilo walked around me and sat in front of me, beginning to explain.

"We all touched your arm and it was fine. But after a second light that looked like it was in your veins went up your arm and straight to your head. You stumbled into me and I caught you. Tía Julieta told me to lay you down then I backed up, not wanting to be in the way. After about 30 seconds you started waking up," Camilo explained as I drank the water Julieta gave me.

I nodded cautiously at the explanation, not wanting to make my minor headache worse.

"How are you feeling?" Julieta asked. "I have a headache and my arm is kinda numb, other than that I'm fine." I mumbled, smiling in thanks at Julieta. She smiled back softly and nodded, standing and walking over to Abuela.

"Do you need to lay down?" Agustín asked. I looked over at Camilo who subtly nodded his head towards Bruno's tower. I looked back to Agustín and shook my head, "No, I'm okay." Agustín nodded and grabbed my hand, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he helped me up.

Camilo and Pepa hurried over, hovering their arms near me. "Are you okay? You aren't dizzy?" Pepa asked, the clouds covering the sky getting darker. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm not dizzy." I mumbled, looping my arm with Camilo's.

"Okay.. Camilo watch her, make sure she doesn't do anything that'll hurt her." Pepa instructed. Camilo nodded with a smile. Everyone dispersed to what they were doing before Abuela called us in. I looked around quickly before both Camilo and I turned around in sync and walked towards the back staircase.

"Get in, get out. That's our plan, right?" Camilo asked once we reached the second level. "Mhm," I hummed, grabbing my bag that was hanging on the doorknob of my room. I looped it over my shoulder, around my neck and put it behind me, continuing my fast footsteps.

Camilo and I hurried up the stairs to Bruno's door. The etching in the wood wasn't glowing anymore and the stairway looked dead. "Ready?" I asked as I placed my hand on the doorknob. "I think so.." He mumbled back. I nodded before turning the knob and pushing the door, only for it not to move. I huffed and pressed my body against the door, using all of my weight to make it open. Camilo followed me in, looking around the room.

It was a stone room, a big hourglass cutout in the wall.


important!! i'm gonna start with intended lowercase since i think it looks nicer and i can read it better. for those who don't know, i'm dyslexic lmao.

but yeah, i understand if you don't like it, but there shouldn't be as many errors with this now :]

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