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"Abuela..." Camilo mumbled as he looked back at the cracks. "Camilo, no," I stated as I grabbed his wrist, making him turn to me. "What do you mean 'no'?! Our house is falling apart!" Camilo exclaimed, waving his hand around. "My powers are acting up!"

"We can't ruin Antonio's night, I can't ruin Antonio's night." I whispered urgently. "Y/n, mi vida, you cut your hand, we can't brush this off." Camilo whispered back, kissing the knuckles of my left hand after. I sighed as we stared into each other's eyes for a moment before giving in and nodded. "Alright, but we tell Abuela quietly." I told Camilo. He smiled and nodded, taking my right hand in his and leading me to Antonio's room.

As we walked in, noise flooded my ears while Camilo guided me around, trying to find Abuela.

Though as we reached the platform where everyone was dancing, the band started playing a new song. Camilo gasped and stopped walking, looking at me excitedly.

"What?" I asked. "Would you like to dance?" Camilo asked with a smirk on his face. "Camilo, I don't dance." I chuckled as I tried to walk away, the music starting to ramp up, leading to when people dancing as a couple start going crazy. "C'monn," Camilo tried to persuade me as he pulled me back to him. "Camilo, no." I smiled, pushing him away by his chest, starting to walk away once more. Camilo grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him once more, our chests meeting as the music stopped suddenly.

"You don't give up, do you?" I asked with a smirk, resting my hand on his shoulder while adjusting our hold on my left hand, which stung a bit due to the cut. Camilo moved his left hand to my waist. "Never," He smirked back, the music starting again.

Camilo led the dance, going with the other couples dancing around us. Somehow, we ended up in the middle of the crowd, too lost in our own world to care.

Camilo spun me around a few times before bringing me back and resting his hand on my hip, leading me through certain footsteps so we looked fluid.

As part of the song was drawn out, Camilo spun me again before bringing me back and dipping me. "Well this is nice isn't it?" Camilo smirked as he held my leg up. "Keep talking and you'll get a mouth full of snow." I smiled back, tilting my head slightly. Camilo chuckled before the speed of the song came back. Camilo brought me back up and led us around in the pattern everyone else was doing.

At the end of the song, the instruments cut quickly as Camilo and I ended face to face, panting with smiled on our faces.

Everyone began clapping around us, making us come back to reality and separate slightly, still staying close to each other. Camilo grabbed my uninjured hand and pulled me off of the dance platform.

"Okay, now time to find Abuela.." I sighed as I looked around. Camilo nodded and looked around as well, jumping to get a better view of everyone over their heads. I chuckled at Camilo's actions as I spotted Abuela, tugging on Camilo's hand as I walked. Camilo stopped jumping and followed me, quickly going up the wooden steps only to be met with Pepa and Félix.

"Y/n! Abuela says your ceremony is about to begin." Pepa smiled, a rainbow over her head. Camilo looked at me nervously. "Oh.. really? Can we not wait a couple more minutes..?" I asked as I turned around and saw everyone filing out of Antonio's room. I huffed slightly. "Everyone has already been told it's starting. I'm sorry Y/n." Pepa sighed. "It's okay.." I mumbled as Camilo squeezed my hand gently.

"Mami, have you seen Tía Julieta?" Camilo asked as we all began to leave Antonio's room. "Are you hurt?!" Pepa exclaimed, a cloud forming over her head as she stopped and held Camilo's face, looking around it. "No," Camilo smiled softly, "But Y/n is." He explained. Pepa's cloud darkened as she scrambled over to me, now examining my face. I smiled and held up my hand, showing the cut.

"Oh no, I'll tell Julieta. Some arepas should already be made." Pepa began talking really fast before grabbing Félix's hand and pulling him out of the room faster.

"Will you be allowed up at the door with me?" I whispered, not making any moves to leave. "If you want me there, I'm sure Abuela won't mind. She asked me who I wanted at my door when I got my gift. I don't see why she wouldn't do the same for you." Camilo smiled, grabbing my right hand and stepping in front of me.

"You'll be fine. You already have your gifts, Casita is just giving you a door now." Camilo comforted, cupping my face with his free and and rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I nodded softly and let out a sigh. "Let's go?" Camilo asked. I nodded, "Let's go.."

"Will you use your gift to honor our miracle? Will you serve this community, and strengthen our home?" Abuela asked as she held the candle out to me, the anxious breaths of everyone in Casita making my stomach churn.

I reached out hesitantly and touched the candle, nodding as I looked into Abuela's eyes. Abuela nodded and stepped back, standing next to Camilo. I looked at Camilo hesitantly, getting a reassuring smile from him. I took a deep breath and moved my hand to the doorknob, the door glowing brighter and brighter the closer I got.

The door immediately formed my image, seeing as I already had my powers. It was me in the middle of the door with water droplets around my head, all the Madrigals that had powers being at the top of the door, reaching out to me.

A smile formed on my face as I stared at the door.

Silence rang throughout Casita.

"What's her gift?!" A little girl yelled. I jumped slightly and turned around, looking over at Camilo and Abuela. Camilo was staring at my door, a wide smile on his face. Abuela nodded at me.

I looked back to the crowd and circled my hands around, making a ball of water. I made it hover over the crowd before clenching my fist, making it explode and begin to rain down onto the crowd. I relaxed my hand and the rain turned to snow, delicately falling onto everyone's heads and shoulders.

"We have a new gift!" Abuela exclaimed, making the crowd cheer. Everyone began climbing up the stairs to go into my room, Camilo dragging me back to my door with an excited smile on his face.

"Ready?" I asked, looking at Camilo. He smiled and nodded, "Ready."

1143 words!
Published 2-12-21

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