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[ prologue ]

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5 years old;

My mother's breath hitched as she walked into my room to see me waving my hands around, misty patterns of snow coming from them. (think elsa)

"Mama! Look! Isn't it pretty?" I giggled excitedly throwing my hands up, making the pretty snow fly up then start flurrying down. I looked to my mother to see her looking around my room in horror. "Stop this. Stop it now!" She demanded. As I jumped back at her sudden shift in tone, all the snow delicately falling from my ceiling now plummeted down, covering me and my floor. "Clean it up." She huffed, slamming my door closed.

I looked around my room, having no idea on how to clean this up.

10 years old;

"Look, it's the snow freak!" A boy laughed as I walked by. I huffed and continued forwards, leaving a path of ice behind me, each step making the sheet longer and longer.

I walked up to a stall and looked at the fruit being put out. The woman behind the booth jumped and looked at me, wide-eyed.

"What?" I grumbled, my voice having an icy echo to it. "You're eyes are silver.." She mumbled. I raised a brow and walked to the next booth over as I looked at her cautiously. I looked into one of the mirrors being sold, seeing my skin had become less saturated and my eyes were silver. My eyes widened as I stepped back slightly, looking up as the newly formed clouds in the sky rumbled.

I backed away from the mirror even more and turned around, running down the road back to my home. As I ran, hail began to fall from the sky mixed with heavy rain. Occasionally, women I ran by would yelp at my appearance and cover their child's eyes if she had one.

I burst through my front door and slammed it behind me, making my mother and father run to the living room from the kitchen.

"Y/n! What is the meaning of this?" My father demanded. I just stared at him with teary eyes. Both seemed to notice my changed appearance, making them back away slightly. I let out a sob and ran for my room, leaving the basket of food on the couch.

15 years old;

"Y/n," My friend, F/n (friend's name) sighed in relief when they saw me. "You're not safe here anymore. My dad has gathered a group to come take you away. You have to leave." They whispered urgently, handing me a bag. "What? What're you talking about?!" I whisper yelled. "Shh! Just listen," They panicked. "This is everything you'll need. They're at your house now. I've packed most of your clothes, a good amount of food, water and the map you'll need to get to the Encanto.." They explained, beginning to guide me somewhere.

"F/n, what are you talking about? I'm being hunted?!" I exclaimed. "Yes. That's why you need to leave. They won't be able to find you, I promise. Try to find a family called the Madrigals, they're like you. They'll help." F/n told me as we reached a small opening in a rock wall.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave.. This is my home.." I whispered. "I know. I wouldn't be telling you to do this if it wasn't life or death. Please, use your magic to help you get there. Don't waste energy." F/n begged. I looked them in the eye, they were tearing up as they held onto my elbows gently. They were serious.

"Okay.." I sighed. "I'll try to send you something when I make it. Maybe a statue of snow." I smiled softly. "An animal." They smiled back at me. "Which animal?" I asked, a teasing tone in my voice. F/n scoffed, "You're stalling and wasting time. But a butterfly." They giggled softly. "Look out for a butterfly in your room then." I whispered as I hugged them. "I will," They whispered back, only for the ground to start shaking as horses running echoed through the air.

"Y/n.. run.." F/n mumbled as they pulled away from the hug and pushed me to the rock wall. "Run!" They exclaimed. I complied and leaned over, running through the small rock hallway.

718 words !
Published 2-8-22

I'm so excited for this you don't understand.

First chapter out soon !

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