The 30-year-old man grinned when he noticed Irene. "You're so lucky. He's not here."

"Where is he?", Irene was relieved but showed nothing as such.

"He said he had a very important meeting", Liam responded. "He will not return until late tomorrow night."

Irene fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Alright", she sighed. "I better leave then."

"I'm alone", he said. "Why don't you come inside? I have coffee", he smiled expectantly.

Irene stared at him for a brief moment, then she softly shook her head. "I don't think this is a good idea, Liam."

"Let's go outside then", Liam suggested but when Irene didn't respond he shrugged casually. "It's just coffee, Irene."

"Whatever, alright", she agreed unwillingly.

Monday, 08:19 a.m.

The cafe they went to was crowded and not at all quiet. They were sitting at a small table outside the cafe, right in front of the sidewalk. They did not say a word. Irene was absorbed in observing passers-by. The sun made their faces brighter, their smiles were warm, her own world frozen to its core. No sun could illuminate her own vast darkness.

"Irene...", Liam spoke, pulling her gently out of her thoughts.

She shifted her empty gaze to him. "Yes?"

Liam breathed out through his nose, looking at her inquisitively. "I don't understand."

A small, weak smile spread on her lips. Of course he didn't understand. Liam knew nothing about the type of the relationship she and Dominic shared. "What is it that you don't understand, Liam?", she decided to take a sip for her coffee.

"You seem unhappy, constantly", he said, passing his fingers through his mid-length, blonde hair. His clear, blue eyes never leaving hers. "Why don't you quit the job? I know that my uncle is an asshole."

"It's not that simple, Liam", she let out a short sigh. "But I don't want to talk about Dominic. Let's talk about something else instead."

"Anything you want", he agreed. "Do you like the coffee here?"

She let out a throaty chuckle. "Small talk is not my thing."

"Are you a lesbian?", Liam blurted out the question.

"Straight to the one-million-dollar question", Irene smiled while looking at him. "Why are you interested?"

"Just curious", he shrugged uncomfortably. His blue eyes were innocent.

"Curiosity is the lust of mind, darling", she tilted her head, observing him. "I was. I am. It doesn't matter."

"What do you mean, you were? Are you now?", he seemed genuinely lost.

"I am a lesbian who fell in love with a man", she forced an icy smile.

"I like you."

Suddenly Liam seemed so confident and relaxed, like he was a different person. Irene stared at him for a little while, her smile was long gone.

"I am the most toxic woman you'll ever meet in your life", she said.

"What if I don't care?", he tilted his head, tufts of his blonde hair waved due to the light breeze.

"You should", she breathed deeply. "Look at you...", a small smile crept across her face. "You are pleasant. Gorgeous. Funny. Don't fall in love with me. Don't do this to your life. You deserve so much better."

"Too late...", he almost murmured as he looked at her.

"No. Don't", she abruptly stood up. "I'm sorry, I need to leave..."

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