The Great Sacrafice

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                                   EM100's POV


"What?" I question in disbelief.

I then hear a gun click behind me, so I look back to see a sight I never, EVER, wanted to see.

Rumi holding her gun, while pointing it straight at me.

"B-back away from the doors," she ordered.

I then fully turn back to her as I stare in disbelief, as Skylor stares in utter shock.

"I'm not going to say it again! Step away from the doors!" She yells.

"2-27?! W-what are you doing?!" I yelp.

"What I know is right! Now I need you to come here!" She dictates. "The day you came here, I was told to spy on you. You were special 100, you were always special," she informs shakily as the guns violently vibrates in her hands.

"27, your not thinking straight. What did the guy here tell you?" I ask in shock as the lunatic from earlier comes to my mind. It makes my blood boil.

How could he turn my own family against me? How dare he threaten Rumi to make her do such horrid things!?

"My father would never hurt me!" She screams as she points the gun closer to me.

Oh ya... father....

How could they turn her against us? What will make her realize her mistake?

I rack my brain for an idea, but I only come up empty.

"Our father would do anything for power!" I holler.

"O-our?" She questions in shock.

"Yes! Our! He never told you, did he?" I ask innocently.


If I play this right, I might keep her attention, and hopefully, she'll realize her mistake before we have to step in with violence. Although I didn't exactly plan to tell her like this...

"He tells me everything I need to know!" She snaps.

"Then I guess knowing that we are siblings isn't important?" I ask fakely.

She seems to pause, as she stares at me in shock.

"W-what?" She asks in shock.

"We're siblings! Your my sister, and I'm your brother! He's been keeping this from us, because he didn't want us to know!" I inform.

"Then how come we don't know each other!" She asks as her guns violently shakes in her hand.

"Because my mother sent me to a boarding school. You didn't go because it's a boarding school for boys. For bad boys.... So we grew up alone. She then must have sent you to different parents, people you must think are your birth parents. We were too young to remember the truth" I inform slowly.

"N-no! Your lying!" She screams.

"I'm not! I have proof! Just put the gun down," I beg.

She thinks for a moment before she lightly lowers it, and I watch as Skylor prepares to take her down, but I immediately shake my head.

She stares at me in shock, but I do my best to assure her that I have a plan, through my eyes. Surprisingly, she seems to understand, as she stands down.

"Skylor, your backpack," I order. She then nods numbly as she turns, so her back is facing me, while keeping her gaze on Rumi, checking if she decided to do anything... dangerous.

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