Part Twenty Two- My day.

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Yesterday I said my goodbyes to everyone at Uncle Moony's house and headed back to Hogwarts with Draco. 

The second I got into the common room I was greeted very well. Pansy ran over to me so fast she nearly knocked the breath out of me when she hugged me. Theo lifted me up and spun me around before giving me a hug and told me how much he missed me. Blaise gave me a kiss on the head and a hug, telling me how much Draco just complained and moped around. 

I was happy to be back and excited for the third task. That could be...correction, it will be the day Cedric wins it all. 

I unpacked my stuff before there was a knock at my door. I opened it to see Theodore and Blaise. "Hey, guys, what's up?" "We were wondering if you wanted to go to Diagon Alley with us. Nott needs a new sweater and I need a new pair of trousers. I'm sure there's something you want or could find." Blaise said. "I'm down! Is it just us three?" I grabbed my purse and sweater. "Yeah unless you can convince lover boy to stop working on his potions assignment and go with us." Theodore laughed. "I'll go see." I laughed as well. 

I walked over to Draco's dorm and knocked on the door before opening it. "Hi love, I was going to see if you wanted to go to Diagon Alley with us?" I wrapped my arms around him as he sat at his desk chair. "I would go but I really need to finish this assignment, I meant to do it yesterday and it's already late." Draco turned around and pulled me into his lap as I leaned my head against his shoulder. "I understand Dray, hopefully, you can get it finished soon." I kissed his cheek. He stood up still holding me and walked over to his dresser. He let my legs down slowly for me to stand up before giving me his card, "Take this and pay for anything you want with this, but I expect a fashion show when you get back." "You're too good for me. Is there anything you want while I'm out?" "I want you to get everything that you want." Draco grinned. I giggled and kissed him, telling him, thank you, and went to meet the guys. 

I walked into the common room and saw Blaise and Theo waiting. "Couldn't convince him?" Blaise asked. "Nope but he did give me this and told me to spend what I wanted." I held up Draco's card. "Hell, I'm using that then." Blaise tried to grab the card. "Um no you're not, you see the last name, Malfoy. It's mine, not yours." I pointed to the last name on the card. "And you're not legally a Malfoy yet so it doesn't make it yours either sweetheart." Blaise tried to out sass me. "Okay children, let's go we're running out of time."  Theo grabbed my hand pulling me out of the common room as Blaise followed. 

We apparated to Diagon Alley and started going into random clothing stores. Theo found a light brown, leather jacket he grew rather keen of, and decided to buy it after I told him it looked good. It really did look good and it fit him perfectly. Blaise found a pair of grey trousers and it seemed as if the earth collided with the moon or something. "Guys! Look at these trousers! They're grey! I've never seen a grey pair. I have to get a whole fit so I can be the hottest one at the third task in my grey trousers." He pretty much yelled. Let's just say he ignored the price tag and bought 4 pairs. I have to be honest though, I've never seen someone get so excited about a pair of pants. But I think that's part of the reason me and Blaise were able to get close, is because of his sense of fashion. If anyone at the school, Blaise is my competition when it comes to style. 

I bought two full outfits: A top, trousers, shoes, and jewelry. 

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One outfit to match Theo and his new jacket without the shoes or jewelry

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One outfit to match Theo and his new jacket without the shoes or jewelry. 

And one corset top

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And one corset top. 

Corset and bra tops are my thing

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Corset and bra tops are my thing. I have no clue why but I've always loved the way they look on. But I adore the shoes in the first outfit I bought because they make me as tall as Blaise who is 6'1. The shortest between Draco, Theo, and him, even though it's really not short. But it boosts my ego and makes me only 2 inches shorter than Draco who is 6'3 and 3 inches shorter than Theo. It also makes me the same height as my brother and taller than my father which infuriates him which makes it even better. 

I tend to only wear heels unless I'm working out or doing something like that. Heels make me feel powerful, though Emily couldn't say the same. Emily hates wearing heels, she didn't even know how to walk in heels until right before the Yule Ball, and even then I noticed she carried her shoes out. 

Blaise, Theo, and I went and got coffees before heading back to school. Once we got back, as promised I did a 'Fashion show' for Draco. He was quite pleased with my outfits and told me to wear my first outfit so we could match tomorrow at the tournament since he was going to wear his classic all-black suit. 

We ate dinner before hanging out in the common room. We all talked and laughed about the most random things until our ribs hurt. Me and pansy had sat on one couch, Draco sat in a chair, while Blaise sat in the other, and Theo sat on the smaller couch.

The night flew by and by the time we checked the time it was 1:06 am. "I would love to stay and talk but I have to get up extra early today for the tournament. So I'll see you guys in a couple of hours." I got up and said. "Wait for me, I'm coming too." Draco said, getting up. "Goodnight Kaitlyn, sleep well." Theo kissed my head. "Goodnight Theo and night you two." "Good night." Pansy and Blaise both said. 

Draco and I laid in bed wrapped in each other's arms. I'm going to marry this man if I don't it will be because I died before then. The way he loved and showed how much he cares. The way he jumps through hoops to prove to you that he means what he said if that's what it takes for you to believe him. 

I was nervous about him seeing or possibly meeting my father tomorrow but I tried to not let me lose sleep over something so simple. 

I put my head against Draco's chest to hear his heartbeat. It distracted me. Until I eventually fell asleep to the soft beat.

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