Part Two- Day One and The Astronomy Tower.

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Once I got out of the shower I cast a drying spell to quickly dry my hair so it wouldn't be wet for the next few hours. Then I sat down at my vanity to do some light make-up and finish fixing my hair.

After that I put on my uniform and robe, leaving the top two buttons of my collared shirt undone. I then grabbed my wand before taking a deep breath and walked down to the common room where I was met with two warm smiles from Blaise and Pansy. "There she is!" Blaise exclaimed. I laughed and finished walking down the stairs before linking arms with Pansy and heading out of the common room towards the great hall for breakfast.

Once we walked in Emily and Cedric came up to talk to me while I told Blaise and Pansy to go ahead to the table and that I would be there in a second. "How is it that you got a room to yourself and I'm stuck with three other people?" Emily questioned pushing my shoulder playfully. "I'm just special." I said with a heavy grin. "Do you want to meet up later and talk about school and stuff?" Emily proceeded. "Yeah that sounds good, you can come to my dorm after dinner if you want." I answered. "That sounds great, it's nice to have my sister back." She smiled and gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before heading to the Hufflepuff table. "Must say I was surprised when you got sorted into Slytherin, must mean you're not as cool as me." Cedric said, holding back a laugh. I hit his chest before replying "If anything 'Mr. Perfect', it would make me cooler than you." "Whatever you say rain." Cedric said referring to me by the nickname he came up with for me "rain" I believe it comes from my obsession with rain in general, I never asked though. "Anyways I should get going. I just wanted to give you this letter..." he said with a smile and a sigh before continuing "He sent it to me to give to you since at that point you didn't have your room assignments." "Why can't our bloody father keep his gloating to himself for more than 5 minutes?" I replied, annoyed. Cedric laughed and gave me a hug before returning to the table with Emily and some of their other friends from the quidditch team.

I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Blaise and across from Pansy. Blaise threw his arm over my shoulder and asked "Everything okay?" I shot him a quick smile and nodded before responding "Yeah they just wanted to catch up and my brother wanted to give me a letter from my father that I assume is him complaining about me not being in Hufflepuff like my 'perfect' brother." "Ahhh, the sibling rivalry?" Blaise added. "To be honest I don't know if you could say rivalry, because there is no competition in my parent's eyes, he is their golden child and he apparently has never done anything wrong in his whole life whereas I breathe too heavily and all the sudden I'm a disappointment." I said, rolling my eyes.

As I finished, the platinum blonde-haired boy from the world cup sat down next to Pansy on the other side of the table across from Blaise and I. He wore 5 rings between his hands and had his hair slicked back. His eyes met mine and I was met with light grey eyes with hints of blue throughout the grey storm that was formed in his eyes. I never paid attention to any of the... fine details, while at the quidditch cup. "Who are you?" The blonde boy asked bluntly. I grinned and leaned forward "I could ask you the same." I replied with a bit of an attitude and smirked as I sat back off the table even though I had heard his name that night. "This is Kaitlyn, she just transferred from Beauxbatons school of priss and prissier." Blaise said, gesturing his hands towards me. The blonde-haired boy looked me up and down twice before he smirked and put his hand out "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." I looked down at his hand and giggled a bit before responding "The displeasure is mine." I said with a smile and a wink. He pulled his unshaken hand back and placed it on the table "Why couldn't you have stayed where you came from, who even do you think you are." "Well I'm the actress in all of your dreams of course, but you can call me Diggory, Kaitlyn Diggory..." I said using his same word placement before continuing "and I didn't stay at Beauxbatons because I was tired of all the little miss perfects who care only about themselves." He looked me up and down again. "Well, I can see why you didn't fit in." He said scoffing. "Is that why you're here and not at Durmstrang, your ego is too fragile to be around that many people that are better than you?" He rolled his eyes at my smart-ass remark and got up and leaned towards me "You see love, I'm too good for them and that will be made VERY clear to you." He said the last part almost seductively. As he walked away I muttered under my breath though loud enough for him to hear "Yeah right." As he continued to walk away I saw a small grin on his face. "Don't worry about Malfoy, he's a bit obsessive at times." Blaise said, turning his attention back to me. "A bit?" I giggled.

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