Part one- Leading up to Now

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This year I'm transferring from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic into my fourth year at Hogwarts. It seems I wasn't perfect enough for the supercilious pricks over there. To be completely honest I never knew why my parents sent me to Beauxbatons in the first place; I would assume to become more "ladylike" like my mother. My brother (Cedric Diggory) and my best friend (Emily Lupin) both went to Hogwarts and that only made my confusion about the subject worse since I was no different than either of them or at least not...that different. I guess it's a good time to introduce myself. I'm Kaitlyn Elizabeth Diggory, and I was sent to Beautxbaton when I was 11. My best friend is Emily Lynn Lupin, at this point I don't know why I still call her my best friend, she's more of a sister to me than anything else. These last three years have been hard without her here with me but we would write once a week on Friday and tell each other anything and everything that happened. My brother and I have always been close and he's particularly protective of me, sometimes a little too much I might add. We never really fought other than when I would have my head stuck up ass about how my parents always favored him over me. What can I say, he was their golden child. For Merlin's sake, that boy could sneeze and they would be on their knees with a resplendent box of tissues and a healer by their side.

This year, Emily and I talked some sense into my parents-though mostly my father-about transferring me to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; and what do you know the golden child himself backed me up and my parents were signing transfer papers. Pathetic. There were still about three weeks until we went back to school so I took it upon myself to be completely and utterly apathetic, aka lazy. It was quite rainy these days in late summer. While many hated the rain I rather enjoyed it. Sometimes I would just go and stand in the rain without a care in the world, just feeling every one of the drops hit my face and roll off my skin like the morning dew off of a rose petal. I would stand there for hours to feel the water caress my body as it rolled down off my skin, that is until Cedric would quite literally drag me inside with hopes of not having to hear our father gloat on and on about how I couldn't simply stay inside like my bloody brother and the rest of the family. Sometimes I would ask myself if this truly was my family. Yes, of course they were my blood but what does blood mean if there's no love along with it.

About a week later I was very abruptly woken up at the first glimpse of sunlight by Emily Lupin jumping on my bed. I think it was solely to get on the very few nerves I had first thing in the morning. "Wake up you lazy bum! I honestly don't know how you get anything done since you sleep all bloody day" She said as she continued to jump on the bed. I picked up the pillow next to me and threw it at her causing her to fall off the bed as she looked back at me with a very offended face, she threw her hand on her chest dramatically as ever. "Now for Merlin's sake, get out and leave me to sleep while I can." I groaned, still half asleep. She proceeded to throw the pillow back at me. "Can you hurry up and get dressed because I'm starving and your mother made breakfast!" She snapped at me. "Great, go eat with them and leave me alone!" I snapped back as she finally gave up and walked out, knowing I would only get up on my own accord. About forty minutes later I couldn't fall back asleep so I got up and rolled out into the dining room where everyone still sat: My Father at one head of the table, Cedric at the other, with my Mother at the direct right side of my father, and Emily across from her with an empty chair next to her for if I ever decided to make an appearance during breakfast. "Well good morning sleeping beauty, how was your slumber?" Emily asked while I pulled out the seat next to her and sat down. "It was very blissful until you had to come in and drive me absolutely insane, making it impossible to go back to sleep at this god-awful hour in the morning," I replied in the same tone giving her a sharp smile to make sure my point was clear. Very clear. Cedric chimed in, interrupting my cold smile and sly remark "Better get used to it princess before we get back to school in just two weeks." "Don't remind me" I sighed, rolling my eyes at him.

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