Author Spotlight: HC_Leung

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And this month, our author's spotlight shines on HC_Leung

If you had to describe yourself in one word, what words wouldn't you use?

Well-rested and focused. Since I'm a parent, sleep is a luxury for me. Also, I daydream a lot, so my family can often tell my mind is somewhere else.

Think back to when you were in school. What was your favourite subject?

Modern Literature. It was a course offered in my senior school. My friends told me not to sign up for it because the teacher was tough and the smartest kid from our gang only got a C. Deep down, I wanted to read Freud, Jung, and Robertson Davis (The Fifth Business). So I went for it without heeding their advice.. I got a B.

When you were a young 'un, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Many things. But I really wanted to make video games. I ended up studying Architecture and Creative Writing in college.

What does Tevun-Krus mean to you?

A wonderful world to get lost in. A standard-setter for our Sci-Fi community. I'm amazed by the amount of work and talent that goes into it.

Tell us about your reading/writing habits.

When it comes to writing, I am a pantser. I pick from a list of my own prompts, jot down a rough outline, and off I go. I rely on my impulse to surprise me along the way.

As your crew casts your lifeless body into the heart of the nearest star, list three pieces of music likely to be rattling the bulkheads of your beloved vessel!

"Hurt" by Johnny Cash

"Eastside" by Halsey

"Tousei" by Dir en Grey

By the way, I hope my vessel comes with a good Hi-Fi system!

We hope so too, and if the mothership crew has any say in it, then it certainly will. Who is your all-time favourite author? How much, if at all, has their work influenced your writing style?

Isaac Asimov. "Foundation'' was the first Sci-Fi novel I read when I was little, and I loved the way he charts the ebb and flow of humanity. I also love the "Three-body Problem" trilogy by Liu Cixin for the same reason. I think his work might be more or less influenced by Chinese history.

Of everything you've written, which piece is your favourite?

The Four Winds. It is a long short story I wrote last year, and itt is not perfect, yet. But when I posted my first draft on Wattpad last year, a part of me felt complete. I hope to edit it and maybe even expand on it in the (near?) future.

Pitch the above story to us. Make us really want to read it!

What if you come across a box said to contain an immense and horrifying power? Would you open it? And how would you wield that power?

Ten years after the Third Tech Bubble, the Western world remains in shambles. For an ex-convict like Alberto, life after prison is an uphill battle. All that changes when a mysterious woman lures him into her hacker group. Wanting fame and romance, he readily throws himself back to the underworld. But nothing is what it seems, for his outlaw brothers have acquired the box and hope to summon its power. Torn by his ideals, Alberto must either stay loyal to the group or defend the fallen and hated world.

The storm is coming, and only those with unwavering beliefs will remain standing.

To what extent does the mythical 'real life' influence your writing?

A moderate extent. Most of my older works take place in a near-future settings shaped by our modern history. I love tying in events like WW2, the Cold War, and the Financial Crisis into my storylines.

If you could have any superpower, what would that be and why?

The power to reverse time. So I can go back and stop my parents from throwing out my Mask and G.I. Joe toys

What would you do if you woke up one day and suddenly realized you were an alien from another world?

The thing is, I really am an alien. Not from another world, but from another country. Ever since I was a teenager I've been residing abroad, away from home. As a result, I've learned how to see things from different perspectives and, moreover, how to feel compassion for people who may disagree with my worldview. After all, I am just a little guy passing through this transient world.

The Technological Singularity presents a rather daunting, some say inevitable, future. Does the prospect of that level of artificial intelligence excite you, or leave you quaking in your space boots?

Neither. I think that day will be boring and uneventful. Things will just unfold without a bang and we will just go to bed (or go into cyber-sleep mode). However, I do think it is important to tirelessly discuss a man's relationship with his AI. I would want to be intellectually ready.

Who was your first Sci-Fi crush? Who is your current one?

Cheng Xin from "The Three-body Problem" was my first Sci-Fi crush. She still is now. Or maybe it's Rachel S'jet from "Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak". I can't decide.

If you could experience the world of any Sci-Fi story on Wattpad, which would that be and why?

The worlds from "Tales of High Fantasy" by wdhenning and "Time Maze" by ravenwood666may . I'm a fan.

And finally, any words of wisdom to new and aspiring Sci-Fi writers?

You've interviewed so many wonderful writers in the past, I'm not sure if I can add anything new! For me, it is important to be curious about everything - be it science, history, religion, mythology, or current affairs. I find inspiration from all these subjects. Also, Sci-Fi should be more than just a piece of fiction driven by scientific or technological plots; it should also speak to our hearts. That's it for now. Thank you so much for having me!


You're  welcome, and thanks for the interview!

Tevun-Krus #97 - International VI: PeaceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant