Peace! - The Translation Chain

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The goal of this game was to translate a short story into as many languages as possible, but each translator had only access to the previous translation and not the original story. We ended up with the following chain: 





Swiss German




Of course the story changes a bit in its voyage around the globe... but how much? Up to you to find out and have fun! 

Peace - English

Written by elveloy

"Owww! Muummm! Kira's twisting my tentacle! Make her stop!"

"He deserves it! He's swallowed the holodeck remote again, and now it's stuck on 'Invasion of the Two Legs.' I want to watch the latest episode of 'Galaxy's Got Talent!'"

Jiyi rubbed her aching forehead.

"Queryl, sick that up right now! And Kira, stop hurting your pod brother, or there'll be no holodeck for anyone!

"Sort it out, I'm going outside. Maintenance time," she lied.

Jiyi slipped on her spacesuit and left the ship. Safely tethered, she let herself float in the inky blackness, spangled with distant stars. 

Glorious silence. 



Paz - Português / Portuguese 

translated by / traduzido por aufderwelt

"Oh! Mãe! Kira está torcendo o meu tentáculo! Faça ela parar!"

"Ele merece! Ele engoliu o controle remoto do holodeck novamente, e agora está preso em 'Invasion of the Two Legs'. Eu quero assistir o último episódio de 'Galaxy's Got Talent!'"

Jiyi esfregou a sua testa dolorida.

"Queryl, pare com isso agora mesmo! E Kira, pare de machucar o seu irmão pod, ou não haverá holodeck para ninguém!

"Acalme-se, vou sair lá para fora. Tempo de manutenção," ela mentiu.

Jiyi vestiu o seu traje espacial e deixou a nave. Seguramente amarrada, ela se deixou flutuar na escuridão, salpicada de estrelas distantes. 

Silêncio glorioso. 



Paz - Español / Spanish 

translated by  / traducido por AngelesET

Tevun-Krus #97 - International VI: PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now