Chapter 17

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Katsuki was sweating all over. It was so hot, and his lungs were squeezing so tightly, it was like he couldn't breathe. He could've sworn he heard his breath coming out in wheezes, but his mind was too foggy to be sure.

"This sure is taking a while. I almost feel sorry for you." Katsuki tried to look where he heard the voice coming from, but his vision was dark, thoughts hazy. He groaned quietly, trying to wipe the sweat off himself. He failed though, realizing his limbs were too heavy, his thoughts too unclear.

However, one thing he did recognize was the voice.

"Izuku...?" He whispered, lungs squeezing tighter. He gasped again, trying to breathe, but he couldn't. He tried to reach for his throat, but something cold lay on top of his hand, not letting him do so.

"Sh. Go to sleep. We can't have you coming back, Katsuki." Katsuki's eyes swam behind his pupils, and he just barely felt his hand clutching his chest as he tried to breath, tried to regain consciousness, tried to ask Izuku what the hell was going on, why would he do this to him again, why he couldn't just hear him out and let him explain.

"Revenge is such a bitter pill to swallow, isn't it, Kacchan?"

Katsuki gasped, eyes snapping open at the ceiling of the living room.


It was getting worse.

A month flashed by like it was nothing, but it felt like an eternity too. Katsuki felt tired, his whole body ached, and he wasn't sure whether it was because the villains were getting harder day by day, or he was getting weaker. Either way, it didn't matter, because no matter how many times he'd gone to his agency's healer, he still felt like shit.

Maybe that's because he was, in fact, a piece of shit.

Izuku never left the room. At least, not when Katsuki was around. One of the times Katsuki had tried to lure him out by taking the ordered package of baby milk formula and putting it as far away from the bedroom door as possible, placing it on the table next to the couch where he decided to spend the night.

He should've guessed that Izuku was a master of benign quiet, even if it meant taking a ruffing plastic bag and taking it back to his room. Katsuki wasn't a deep sleeper either, which made the fact twice as frustrating.

To make matters worse, he could barely feel him in the house. Every time he came home from work, he couldn't hear neither Izuku nor his child, which was concerning and unnerving. He was this close to opening the door and checking up on them about a week ago, but as if sensing it, Izuku slammed the door of the bathroom, making Katsuki once again hesitate as he realized that Izuku obviously wanted him to stay away.

But this was getting unbearable. At this point, he was ready to enter the room whether or not Izuku wanted it.

And so he thought until he stood in front of the door, one of his hands on the handle as he tried to force himself to open it. He wasn't forcing himself either—he wanted to open it, and he could open it. And yet, a part of him wouldn't let him. Why, though? Wasn't all the waiting only going to make it worse?

His child was already a month old, and he didn't even know if they were a he or a she. That was how isolated he was. And he hated it. That much should've been enough for him to start forcing doors open, right?

Katsuki gulped and took a deep breath. Bad choice. He felt Izuku's scent, just barely, and his whole body shook.

God, he missed him so bad. It wasn't just the scent, but the scent made that feeling ten times worse. He missed him so bad, he wanted to be by his side so bad...

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