Chapter 11

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"So you are?" Ashido asked warily, rushing towards him by jumping on top of the bed and jumping off of it. Izuku rolled his eyes but slightly nodded his head. Ashido gasped and squealed, and Izuku quickly grabbed her forearm, shushing her.

"Ashido, I don't want everyone knowing, okay?" Izuku whispered. Ashido blinked in surprise, tilting her head as she looked at him with concern.

"Why not? Does 'suki not know either? How long have you been...that, anyway?" Ashido gestured widely in front of her, and Izuku rubbed his forehead, already starting to feel nervous sweat forming on it.

"He knows. I just don't want everyone to know yet. It's been bad enough with how all my past talks about it were, but having everyone knowing will be chaos." Izuku remembered how the wedding had been crowded outside by reporters, and how Ashido had practically saved the two by distracting them, starting to talk about her own pregnancy and announce some major news that got most of the reporters interested and distracted until one of them noticed and almost reached their car before they sped away.

If it was that bad with strangers, he didn't want to think about how people close to him would react. And oh god, what if his mother knew already? What would she think about her son not telling her about something so important?'

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. I just didn't expect you to be so secretive about it." Ashido shrugged, letting out a small sigh. "I do want to ask though. How's it been going for you and Katsuki since he found out?"

"Tough, tense, but we're managing." Izuku smiled at her reassuringly. Ashido bit her lip and stared at Izuku as if he had said something dumb, and Izuku's smile faltered. "That's not what you're asking, huh?"

"You're an omega partner. You must have a goddamn crazy sex life. How does that work anyway? Does it hurt? Eijiro said Kats had his rut recently...was it bad? Or did you enjoy it?" Izuku gaped at her, before gripping her shoulders and pursing his lips.

"You can't...just say that. Jesus." Ashido pouted, pushing his hand away from her shoulder.

"Come on. I'm curious. I don't have any omegan friends, and Ochaco's a goddamn asexual, Momo's too secretive, Kyoka's too shy, and Hagakure...she just disappears every time I ask her about it!" Ashido's shoulders slouched, and Izuku could feel guilt creeping in, even though he knew that she was doing this on purpose.

"I-I get it, but..."

"Come on, Izuku. Just be short. It doesn't have to be descriptive! I'm just curious." Ashido pouted at him and blinked, doing her best to seem innocent as she asked him those questions. Izuku simply let out a sigh and closed his eyes, shaking his head.

"We don't have that big of a sex life. We did it once in the past two months, and it was great, but that was mostly emotional rather than what you're asking." Ashido blinked, seeming stumped by the statement.

"You don't fuck?"

"I didn't say that!"

"You did, though." Izuku pursed his lips and rubbed the back of his neck.

"In the past two months, no."

"What about three months?" Izuku blinked, and opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out. Realizing he was cornered, he shrugged, smiling sheepishly.

"They're probably waiting for us by now." Izuku mumbled, trying to slip against the wall towards the door, but Ashido placed her arm against the wall beside him and he practically growled in frustration.

"Don't you care?" Ashido questioned, tilting her head as she tried to get Izuku's attention. "I mean, I thought you were the touchy type, no?"

"That...doesn't matter. Uh–" Izuku shifted on the spot. He liked touching and being touched, but he was used to being without it too. It wasn't like he was going to die of sorrow if he wasn't touched like some of the omegas would in his spot.

Pet's Hero || BNHA Omegaverse (Sequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon