Chapter 7

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Sorry that it took so long to write this and that the chapter is a little too short! I wasn't sure where I wanted this story to go, but I think I have somewhat of a plot now. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if there's any feedback, do comment! I read all comments as soon as possible :)

- Jilly Brownie


"More water?" Izuku questioned timidly. Katsuki shook his head, breathing through his nose deeply. Izuku went quiet again, just as he had when he asked whether or not he needed something a few moments earlier. Katsuki understood that Izuku was worried and wanted to help him in all ways possible, but honestly, he wasn't really helping—every movement felt like a twitch closer and closer towards his overly-perfect scent-covered body.

Katsuki tried his best to relax against the pillows as he felt his stomach flutter and drop, flutter and drop. Honestly, it would've felt good if he could do something about it, but considering it hadn't stopped for the past five minutes (which wasn't too long, but Katsuki disagreed about that), it was already painful. That, and the aching boner he was pressing against with the pillow under his fists.

Now, he could tell Izuku to leave and do his business. Honestly, that was probably the best way out of this, but at the same time, he couldn't bear the thought. If he left, he probably won't come back until Katsuki called for him, and Katsuki knew he'd be too out of it at the time. And he definitely didn't want the omega to leave his side—his scent was too tempting, and it seemed even sweeter than it should have during his rut.

Maybe it's the pregnancy. People say men usually aren't as turned on when they know their second half is pregnant, or see it, but it seemed to be the contrary when it comes to instincts. What a goddamn pain.

"Kats, you...I can leave, if you want." Katsuki was quick to shake his head. Katsuki could feel in the silence that Izuku was hesitant, unsure whether or not he should leave and disobey Katsuki (for his own good, obviously, although Katsuki wasn't in the right mind to really understand that), or to stay with him and try to support him with his presence.

That is, until he felt a hand on his leg, and he realized that maybe Izuku wasn't being half as hesitant as he thought he'd be.

Katsuki's eyes shot open but they were blurry from the thin layer of tears covering them. Despite that, he knew what he was seeing, and it was Izuku climbing on top of him, throwing his left leg over Katsuki's right one and sitting on his lap, facing him.

"You're fucking with me..." Katsuki grunted, throwing his head back again as he started to take deep breaths with his mouth open. Izuku seemed to ignore that as he leaned forward and kissed his neck, biting slightly at his Adam's apple before kissing at the side of his neck, right at his scent gland. Katsuki twitched full-bodily, and stroked his hair backwards as he tried to distract himself from the small movements of Izuku's ass on his crotch as the latter just kept moving, not recognizing what he was doing.

Or maybe he was. Izuku was just that type of person who'd suddenly have switch flipped in his head, and become this perfect, sexual omega out of nowhere. Besides, as much as Katsuki hated remembering those times, he definitely had experience, and he knew exactly the way to move and what to do or say. And oh god was he good at using those skills.

"Not all the way, remember?" Izuku whispered, stroking down his collarbone before reaching his abs and stroking to his side, his nail scratching softly at his muscle as Katsuki felt his stomach flutter again, body starting to shake.

Katsuki grunted in acknowledgement, his head lolling to the side as Izuku kissed his jaw, nipping at it slightly with his teeth in all the ways Katsuki hasn't dreamed of.

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