Chapter 2

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Katsuki was impatient, because of fucking course he was. Izuku was taken into the ER, and the doctor whom he'd called had told him that he was stable, but he needed to check a few things before he could let Katsuki check up on him. And, apparently, by 'a few things', he'd meant something that takes almost an hour long. And that did not make Katsuki feel any ease.

Izuku had fainted during the ride, and judging by the fact that no one was saying anything anymore, he probably hadn't woken up yet, or was too weak to even request calling Katsuki in, which the alpha imagined was the likeliest thing Izuku would do.

And then, finally, one of the doctors, or nurses, or whatever they may be, came up to him. Katsuki shot up, waking up the person sleeping one seat away from him, but he couldn't care less about that.

"Come on, report." Katsuki couldn't help but speak the same way he'd speak to his colleagues. The doctor, seeming to be understanding, shuffled his paper and proceeded to talk.

"We need a few tests to confirm, but we're pretty confident to say he has anemia. There may be many reasons as to why, but it shouldn't be life threatening if it's treated accordingly."

"So he'll be fine?"

"Yes, he will be, especially once we are able to diagnose him fully and prescribe treatment. He's currently unconscious, but it won't be too long for him to regain consciousness. We've got him on IV's, but he won't have to be hospitalized for more than 24 hours." Katsuki simply nodded in response, feeling some weight lift off his chest. However, it wasn't all, and he was sure he wouldn't be able to calm down fully until he saw that Izuku was fine with his own eyes.

"When can I see him?"

"We're preparing everything for an upcoming test, but we need him to wake up first. Therefore, I suppose we can give you a small window of time to see him, but we ask that you leave as soon as he regains consciousness so that we could resume diagnosing him." Katsuki clicked his tongue and rubbed the back of his neck, but he nodded harshly anyway.

"Okay." The doctor nodded back at him and motioned with his hand for Katsuki to follow him, which he did.

A few floors later, as well as a few rooms (which he had no clue how they passed without him noticing—was there another way out of the ER, or had he actually been that zoned out?), they were there, and Katsuki felt his heart pound.

What if he was in fact sick, and the doctor was simply telling him sweet lies to calm him down? Everyone knew how explosive he was, so it'd be rational for them to feed him lies so that he wouldn't blow the whole hospital up in anger. Katsuki immediately calmed himself down with a deep breath, although nothing could stop the agitated pheromones from escaping him. He nodded at the doctor, who seemed to have been waiting for Katsuki to calm down, and the doctor opened the door.

"Press the red button next to the patient's head if you need anything or he wakes up." With those words, Katsuki stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him, lips pursed together as he turned towards his mate.

Izuku was sleeping what seemed to be soundly, if not for the IVs inserted in the ventral side of his forearm. Katsuki took a step forward, and he could slowly see the color drained from Izuku's face, his freckles standing out from the paleness of his skin. His lips were dry.

It pained Katsuki to see this, more than he could describe. Why did he have anemia? He seemed healthy...Or maybe he just didn't pay enough attention to him.

The two had been fighting more than usual ever since they got married. Katsuki had never meant to fight with him (verbally, of course), but it felt like Izuku was provoking him, and then forcing him to apologize, damaging his pride. Currently, Katsuki wasn't angry, but he was constantly frustrated with the omega. And yet, now, frustration was replaced with guilt. He should've given him more attention. He should've been more kind to him. He should've helped him, noticed him, noticed that something was wrong.

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