Chapter 14

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They'd already planned everything, and now every day was spent in tense awaiting for Izuku to go into labor.

He was at five months and a little over a week right now. The average month of birth for an omegan male was six months, and although that varied from person to person, that would mean that he might start giving birth in a few minutes, or possibly in a whole month. No one knew, although the doctor had told them that it was likelier Izuku was going to give birth earlier.

Which brought a whole new wave of anxiety for Katsuki. However, Izuku seemed relaxed and even giggled at Katsuki's nervousness.

"Of course I'm nervous too, Katsuki." Izuku excused himself on one of those days where Katsuki commented on his teasing towards the alpha. "You just worry too much. As long as you're here with me, everything will be alright."

Although, that made the alpha even more nervous.

Katsuki was constantly going to work, being a hero with necessary days and hours he had to work per month, meaning he couldn't stay home with Iuzku at all times without being fired in the process. That was extremely unnerving, and although Izuku told him that it would be alright even if he wasn't at his side at the exact moment Izuku's water broke, it was still unnerving.

How long would it take him to get there? Would they force him to do all the reports first before leaving? If so, how long would that take? They wouldn't hold him back on work, they had to understand his situation, right?

Katsuki silently prayed that they would. It obviously didn't help considering Izuku's giggles.

"You want anything?" Katsuki questioned, not having anything else to do (neither wanting to do anything else) but stay with his omega. Izuku smiled at him and held back a chuckle.

"It's fine, Kats. Just sit down. You're too nervous about this."

"Come on, you're not telling me shit about how things are going. I don't even know if they're a girl or a boy!"

"You'll find out, don't worry. I want it to be a surprise though." Izuku placed a finger over his lips and smiled, and Katsuki bit his lips as he shook his head to himself.

Katsuki had been constantly asking Izuku questions about his pregnancy, and yet, the male kept on insisting that he wanted it to be a surprise, and that everything was going alright. He didn't even want to reveal the gender of the baby, which had Katsuki even more nervous at the fact that he had to pick out gender-neutral things to buy for his child, without being sure whether or not they were a good pick for the unborn baby.

Izuku kept on smiling as he kissed him lightly on the cheek, and Katsuki felt his whole body shiver.

Fuck, they sure haven't fucked for a while. Honestly, maybe that was the reason he was even more on edge than he should be?

"What do you wanna do?" Izuku questioned.

"Anything other than going to my shift." Katsuki grumbled in response, sinking into the pillows of the couch. "Seriously, can I give myself a week off or some shit? Or a month, if that's how long it takes for the child to be born..."

"You've already taken a lot of days off. You got an email recently, remember?"

Katsuki did. To be honest, the email had been horrifying to read and practically traumatizing, and he really wasn't looking forward to getting it again.

It was basically a strike warning. One more strike, and he would get fired. Possibly without a chance of getting hired anywhere else.

The email clearly read that although he was meeting his required hours, he wasn't meeting the day requirements. He was also missing many of the missions he should have been there for, those that were scheduled on the days where he would suddenly announce he wasn't coming to work for, which was, as directly quoted, "unnerving for both your colleagues and the higher-ups".

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