Chapter 16

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There was a knock on the door. once. Twice. The knocks got sharper as time passed, and Katsuki pursed his lips as he hurried towards the door. Who could that be? He wasn't expecting any guests. Kirishima had knocked at his door more than once, but he wasn't as stupid as to knock again only a little over and an hour later. So who could it be? If it was Hajime, Katsuki would knock the guy's teeth out. Seriously, what did he think of himself?

He opened the door, gritting his teeth, prepared to snap, but his breath caught in his throat.

"Move." Without a greeting, Izuku walked in quietly, slipping off his shoes and not bothering to close the door behind him, passing Katsuki while barely acknowledging him.

It took Katsuki a few seconds, but when he snapped out of his trance, he quickly slammed the door shut and hurried after Izuku, who had already opened the door into the bedroom.

"Sh! be quiet!" Izuku snarled, gripping tightly at the body wrapped up with blankets. Izuku clicked his tongue and once again averted his eyes, quickly walking into the bedroom and once again out of sight as Katsuki lingered behind, hesitating.

A few seconds later, he decided to follow him, walking as quietly as he could as he stood warily at the doorway, feeling like walking in would be a mistake.

"Izuku..." He started quietly, unsure of what to say. Apologize? Explain the situation? It felt like none of that would matter to Izuku though, and he wasn't sure what might.

Except for the child currently laying on the bed, blocked by Izuku as if on purpose, to keep Katsuki's prying eyes away. Katsuki hated it, but he could only feel guilt swelling in his chest, and he couldn't glare even if he tried to force himself to.

Izuku turned around, his face a tired glare as he looked at Katsuki as if he was the worst thing that happened to him. Katsuki stood there, hand gripping tightly at the door frame as he tried to get himself to say something, fucking anything .

"Alright, I guess if you can't even fulfill promised actions, you won't understand subtle hints." Izuku snapped, before stomping towards him, his steps quick, and pushing him back. The push wasn't strong, but Katsuki stumbled back from surprise, completely taken aback as Izuku gripped the door handle tightly. "You're not coming in here. Do whatever you want, but you're not coming in here."

With that, Izuku closed the door, and although it wasn't a slam, it was even worse how slow yet without any lack of hesitation Izuku shut it behind him.

Katsuki took a shaky breath, leaning against the couch behind him as he stared at the floor.

His ring felt heavy on his finger, and much colder than it should be. Katsuki gulped heavily and closed his eyes, and behind the blackness of his eyelids, he saw nothing.

Or in other words, the only thing he now had.


Kirishima stroked his hand through his hair over and over, gritting his teeth as he tried to figure out what to do.

They couldn't figure out where Izuku's mom was, and although they managed to contact Mitsuki, it was news to her that her grandchild was even born, which came as a great shock to all of them. Kirishima had tried to explain the situation, but Mitsuki had simply yelled on the phone that she was going to kill her brat of a son before ending the call, no longer calling back.

However, that also meant she probably would've called back if she'd reached him. If she hadn't, does that mean Katsuki hadn't answered her either?

Or maybe she did meet them. Should they call her and ask? But they'd asked her to call them back if she found out something, and despite her irrational yelling, she must've heard that much...

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