Chapter 1

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"Speech was given to man to disguise his thoughts." - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand


"Kacchan! Do you want some?"

"You're joking, right? I'm not eating that shit. That's not even food. The fuck is up with your taste lately?"

"Ka-acchan. Don't be like that! This isn't that bad, you know."

"Izuku...I'd puke. And I don't think I'm joking."

"You just never tried it." Izuku clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes in annoyance, something that he had recently been doing that ticked Katsuki off. He clicked his tongue back and turned back towards the TV, Izuku doing the same as he ate his...fucking ice cubes. He had no clue why he was doing it, and it definitely unnerved him how he was simply munching into them as if it was freeze pop and not simple, tasteless ice.

Bakugo was near gagging at this point. He turned away from the TV and looked the opposite way from Izuku as he tried to get the phantom taste of coldness and slight sourness out of his mouth.

"It can't be that bad, Kacchan. Come on." Izuku mumbled, poking him with his elbow. Katsuki grumbled something back to him, and Izuku frowned at him.

"That's mean, Kacchan."

"Sh. I'm watching the movie."

"No you're not! Kacchan, it can't just be the ice. So what's up with you?!" Katsuki turned towards him abruptly, a glare of his own on his face.

"You're kidding, aren't you? You've been acting weird, haven't you noticed? You do shit that's fucking disgusting, annoying, or just disturbing."

"Like what?" Katsuki quirked an eyebrow at him, and Izuku let out a sharp sigh, "Except for the ice. You can't be that offended by just some ice, can't you?"

"Alright. Let's start," Katsuki leaned back on the couch and tapped his chin in sarcastic contemplation, "You snap at me, you're always going around somewhere doing weird shit, you've been talking to Kirishima more than you've been talking to me, and honestly, the fact that we haven't fucked and you're the one who has the high sex drive is just confusing. Want me to keep going?" Izuku let out a somewhat sad sigh, and Katsuki turned towards him to see the kind of look a parent would give to their child when they're disappointed with them. Katsuki raised an eyebrow and blinked at him.

"Am I really that annoying to you?" Izuku grumbled, turning back towards the TV and popping another small piece of ice into his mouth as he glared at the TV.

"It's not that. You're just doing your best to get on my nerves, and if it's not on purpose, then it must be something subconscious. Either way, something's got you pissed at me. What is it?" Katsuki speculated.

"I'm not trying to get on your nerves, Katsuki. You're the one who's overreacting."

"I am not. Saying that I'm the one who's acting weird is like saying nothing's wrong with what you're doing." Izuku snorted and turned towards him, raising up an ice cube demonstratively.

"Is this really considered wrong?"

"Yes!" Izuku blinked at Katsuki before huffing and turning back towards the TV, trying his best to relax against the couch.

To be honest, he would much rather fall asleep on Katsuki than watch the movie, but now that the mood had been ruined, that wasn't an option. Instead, he finished off another ice cube and stood up and to do something else, washing it quickly before walking towards their bedroom quietly.

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