Chapter Sixteen

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At this point in the story we were about 27, already married, with a kid, and living together in a apartment that was actually quite big. We were both so lucky and extremely fortunate.

"Do you wanna watch Scarface?" I asked my wife.
"Maybe some other night Finn, I think I'm just gonna go lay down, I'm extremely exhausted. Ever since we had Daphne it feels like I can never get a break, it just took me 10 whole minutes to put the bitch to sleep."
"Oh okay, I understand."
"Don't be sorry love it's okay."
"Goodnight baby." She says walking away.
"Goodnight my love."

After y/n went to bed I stayed up for about an hour before joining her.
Getting into bed I realized I woke her up.
"Sorry baby." I whisper.
"It's okay." She says groggily, she rolls over to face me and snuggles up against my chest.
"Goodnight princess." I say, holding her in my arms and playing with her hair.

Let's skip the exhausting hours of getting up every 20 minutes to put the baby back to sleep because nobody really gives a shit about that anyway.

I woke up to an empty space next to me. I got up out of bed and walked out of our room and into the kitchen to see a tired looking y/n standing at the sink, doing the dishes. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her, laying my head on her shoulder.
"Why did you leave me sweetheart?" I pout.
"Well, Daphne was crying so I had to go take care of her, and after that I was basically wide awake so I just stayed up and got some chores done." She tells me.
"Well why didn't you wake me up? I could've helped you, I know how tired you are."
"Because I didn't wanna bother you."
"How about you go back to bed, maybe watch a movie or just sleep. I'll finish the dishes and any other chores there are to do. I'll take care of Daphne and make sure she's fed and content, and when I'm finished we can try and spend some relaxing time together. How does that sound?"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive my love."
"Holy shit thank you so much Finn," she says, kissing me on the cheek, "you have no clue how much I need this."
"Oh trust me, I do. I can tell that you're stressed."
"Things have been so different ever since we had Daphne and I'm sorry that I can't spend time with you as much as I used to."
"Don't be sorry I get it."
"I love you so much Finn, thank you. I really need a break."
"I know you do. Now go lay down and I'll handle everything from here."
She places one last kiss on my cheek before walking away and entering our bedroom, shutting the door gently.

That day I worked my ass off to make sure that y/n had nothing left for her to do, other than take care of Daphne that is. When I was finished I watched a movie with her as promised and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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