Chapter Eight

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Out of all the ups and downs of mine and y/n's relationship, change was probably the most difficult thing for us. Mainly because we were young.


Y/n can you come over please
I need to talk to you

I'll be there soon
Is everything okay?
Are you gonna break up with me?

Everything is fine my love
And I promise I'm not breaking up with you
I love you

Okay but you sounded like something's wrong
And it's scaring me
You're scaring me right now
A lot actually

Please don't be scared
I swear I just need to talk to you about something that I feel is important that we talk about

I'm here open the door

I went downstairs and opened the door for my girlfriend.
"Hey baby." I said.
I take her hand and lead her upstairs. When we get to my room I sit down on my bed, her doing the same.
"So what is it you wanted to talk about."
"Okay... so uhm, I think I'm ready to move on with my life, but I'm not going to do that without you. So I need to know what you think."
"What do you mean, 'move on with your life'?"
"I mean like, move out, find a career, we're adults now y/n."
"I- I know but... I don't know if that's what I want right now, but if it's what you want I don't want to be the one holding you back."
"You won't be holding me back y/n, the way I see it I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with you, so if I have to wait for you in order for that to happen then so be it. I know we're young but I want to marry you someday y/n, I want to move in to a beautiful home and start a family with you. I want to die with you."
There's a pause for a second.
"Give me a year, I promise I'll be ready by then. Can you wait that long for me?"
"I'd wait a million years for you y/n," I tell her, grabbing her hands, "I love you so much."
"I love you too."
"How many babies are you willing to push out of your vagina?" I ask, half joking.
"Finn, what?!" Y/n yells, laughing her ass off.
"I'm serious!"
"Well you didn't have to say it like that!"
"Y/n just answer the question!"
"I don't know! Maybe like 3?!"
"Finn I don't know! We're 19!"
"Let's get married y/n."
"We will... someday."
"Well, I- here," I say, pulling out a little blue box from my back pocket and handing it to her, "it's a promise ring, we're too young to get married now, but I want you to always know that it will happen, and someday I plan to upgrade this ring to a beautiful Diamond one. Just for you."
"Finn..." she whispers, tears in her eyes, "this is so beautiful. You're the sweetest."
"Baby are you crying?"
Y/n nods her head and hugs me.
"Baby don't cry."
"That's like the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."
"I meant it my love, I love you more than the world."
"I love you so much Finn, thank you."
I pull away from the hug and take the ring out of the box, holding y/n's right hand in my left, and sliding the ring on her ring finger.

12 years later, and y/n still wears that ring....

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