Chapter Eleven

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Who knew I'd get married at 22??? I definitely didn't.

"You may now kiss the bride."
I was beyond excited to hear those words, I immediately pulled my now wife in to kiss her.
It all felt so unreal. Im married now, this is so fucking crazy I can't even.
When we pull away everyone starts cheering, and both me and y/n have tears of happiness streaming down our faces.
"God, I'm gonna totally fuck up my makeup." She whispers, laughing.

Skip all the boring shit, let's jump to the after party.

After cake and gifts, it was finally time for the fun part: the after party.
Y/n stood in front of me, her body pressed up against mine, her head resting on my chest, her arms wrapped around my torso and her hands intertwined with each other.
I was holding her small body in mine while slowly swaying to the music.
"I think this is the happiest I've ever been," She tells me out of nowhere, "I'm so in love with you Finn, thank you."
"I love you so much baby, you are my absolute everything, I have no clue what I'd do without you here with me right now."
"I can't believe that we're married."
"Yeah I know, it's absolutely insane how fast time really flys. It feels like it was only a year ago when we were sneaking out of our houses together in the middle of the night and staying up till sunrise."
"Man, what a fucking time that was. Remember the day that you asked me out at the diner?"
"Oh my god I do! And you kept scaring me half to fucking death because you had me thinking that I fucked up my shit!"
"Hey, it's not my fault you had so sense of sarcasm in high school."
"Y/n do you feel like things moved a little fast between us?"
"Sometimes, but I'm not complaining about it or anything. I think we definitely moved a bit faster than we probably should have but we're alright. And look where we ended up, nobody else I know is getting married! Half of the people I know aren't even dating anybody right now. I take it as a good thing Finn."
"Yeah, I do too."
"I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with you Finn."
"I'm excited to spend my life with you too y/n, I love you."
"I love you too."

That night we danced together to all the songs that played. if it was a slow song or if it was more hip hop, I'd didn't matter, we danced to literally every single song, shut up and dance, every breath you take, everybody loves somebody, I wanna dance with somebody, candy, you name it. That night was one of my favorite nights in my entire life. And I know that I say that a lot, but every single day spent with y/n feels so special to me, and I don't think I will ever forget a second of any of it..

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