Sakido's Restart [Ryoko Otanashi Arc Part 1]

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(^ My dumbass (a Shuichi kin) trying to find a proper way to transition this story, and somehow writing a lot more chapters than initially planned. Also sorry but this chapter was a little rushed)

??? POV

My name is Sakido Saihara... and I'm... unemployed. I've been average... my entire life. Just a regular child, with regular parents, regular grades; a very average life. Even in adulthood, my life was boring; wake up; do my morning routine (brush my teeth, shower, yadda yadda); try to find a job; get rejected; go home; sleep.

That was, until I met a certain little someone.

That was, until I met a certain little someone

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(Take this as a reference. But without the bandage and without the wetness)

Third Person POV

The man walked down the sidewalk. He was dressed in a decent suit and tie and he was sighing. He had just been royally rejected (again) by another business employer and was wondering what to do. Sakido lived alone and was just barely surviving, constantly having to borrow money from his brother. Sakido's brother didn't mind, but having to leech off someone else's money made Sakido extremely guilty.

On his way towards the crossing, he passed many other shops. They were mainly shops selling clothes, shoes and watches. Near the crossing is a supermarket. Throngs of people can be seen at the entrance. A beggar sat on the steps, arms outstretched, eyes pleading for alms. Sakido dropped 20 cents into his unwashed palm and gave him a kind smile. He also stunk of cheap liquor.

When he reached the crossing. The lights were red, so he wait with a group of people. Cars speed by sending their obnoxious fumes into the waiting people. However, no one flinched. A bit of smoke is not going to prevent anyone from crossing the street.

The cars screeched to a halt behind the white lines across the road except for that one that makes a mad dash past even though the lights have changed to red for him. Some pedestrians shook their fists, but no one was hit. The pedestrians were too seasoned to trust the traffic lights completely.

Sakido crossed briskly with the group to the other side. The group from the other side cross over to their previous side.

He made a bee-line for the small apartment that he owned. Looks like he would have to search the web for more jobs. He was rather confused too. His resume was pretty decent in his opinion, so the man couldn't understand why his application was turned down. Eventually, he decided that it was easier to just believe that the gods hated him.

"This sucks!" Sakido groaned. "I just quit my cashier job too. How the hell am I gonna pay rent now?"

As he passed an alleyway, the wind sneezed, blowing dust and fallen leaves into the faces of wayfarers. Sakido sighed.

"My life sucks." he muttered. He turned his head to shake a leaf out of his slicked black hair. As a result, his uneven hair ended up going back to its usual messy look. But at this point, Sakido didn't give a double-damn.

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