Museum Heist

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A young Shuichi Saihara stood in the dark room, cooking as he hummed to himself. Today was one of his more feminine days; his long hair was styled into a curvy ponytail, tied with a bow and a crown pin; and he wore a fashionable combination of a shirt and pants in contrast to his usual elegant robes, his reincarnation mark completely exposed. His figure really helped him to sell the look.

His perfectly manicured nails that were painted black held the ladle delicately as he stirred the pot of curry. The young boy giggled to himself. He poured his curry into a small plate and sipped it, then moaned in delight at the taste. He poured the finished curry onto some rice. He spun around, winking and said in a sing-song voice:

"Soup's on~!"

His victim trembled in fear. The man, who was in his late 40s, looked incredibly basic and plain compared to his kidnapper. One of his eyes were forced open by cutely designed bandages, his mouth was wrapped around in duct tape, his arms were tied by rope to a chair, and his head was forced through a face cutout from a nearby theme park.

Shuichi stood in front of the poor man and took a bite of rice with some curry.

"That's the thing about torture, use familiar every day stuff, and it's so much worse!" he exclaimed. His tone of voice held a childhood innocence, as if their situation was completely normal. He took another bite of his tonkatsu curry. "How many potential weapons do you think we handle on a daily basis? The more harmless they seem, the more the trauma really sticks."

The man tried to blink his bloodshot eyes, but could only blink one. Shuichi put his spoon on his plate, then used his free hand to rip the duct tape off. The man yelped in pain, before glaring at the boy with a mixture of anger, hatred, fear, betrayal, and despair.

"You monster... you're just like her."

"Like who?" Shuichi asked. His mouth was slightly full and his face expressed genuine confusion, which horrified the man. Before the man could speak again, Shuichi slapped the duct tape back on. The man's anger immediately dissipated and he feared for his life.

"Feel that? That's despair you're feeling!" Shuichi told him, still smiling as if nothing was wrong. He put his empty plate away on the counter and grinned evilly. "Say ahh~"

The man couldn't close his eye. He could only sit there as the curry-stained spoon came closer and closer. Unfortunately for him, the man's cries and screams were all muffled by the tape.  

. . .

"I'm in," said Kiibo from comms. "You guys do your thing, I'll handle the security footage."

"Understood." Maki responded. From behind her, her little brother took a takoyaki and stuffed the whole ball into his mouth, happily enjoying his snack. He offered his sister one but she refused. He shrugged and ate it with a small "ah-am".

Shuichi was wearing the same outfit as earlier, only now his abundance of hair was styled into two fluffy ponytails. He kept his pins though, one on each tail.

The halls of Hopes Peak's museum were now splattered with blood as Maki sliced the stomach of another security guard. The man made an unpleasant noise and he crumpled onto the ground

"What was that?" Shuichi asked. "You realize that you're just making more work for yourself. Barbaric moron. God help you if I get blood on these boots."

"Sorry, Shuichi. I'll clean it up." Maki apologized

"Damn right." came the response from her brother as his heels clicked away. "Make it look like they decided that they just don't care or something. Worry about it later though, we're on a schedule." 

"Wait," Maki said. "I'm supposed to clean this all up by myself?"

"That's what a you-problem." her little brother responded sassily. "Call Kiibo if you're really that insufficient. I don't do the work of slaves." 

"Oh, ok." the assassin said. "If you say so."

She stepped over the corpses and hurried to join her brother. The two walked past many artifacts of the past and many outfits and texts honouring those who passed away. Shuichi ignored most of them, only taking glances at the outfits and judging them silently. Soon, they arrive at their destination.

"The room has been reinforced, we won't be able to break it. Not without Kiibo." Maki said. She then pointed at the small electronic device on the glass. "This is a retinal scanner, it's not gonna open with a card." 

Shuichi ate another one of his snacks and looked at his elder sister.

"No problem, I've got just the thing," he said. "One of the trustees was nice enough to let me borrow it. Didn't even have to debase myself to get it." He pushed his plate of food into Maki's hands and used his eating toothpick to hold an eye and held it to the retina scanner. "The lolita aesthetic doesn't mean I'm easy~"

The door opens, leading to a huge room. There, many glass cases are aligned, each with either one or multiple objects within it and each one was labelled with the names of all those who have participated in the killing games. This room was made for the reincarnations, the objects were gifts that the ancestors wished to give the descendants.

Soon, Shuichi stopped at a huge glass case. Inside the case, was a hand mirror made expertly from silver and crystal. The glass case wasn't locked so he opened it.

"Open sesame~"

Maki took a while to admire the luxury of the mirror. Shuichi, clearly recognizing it, grabbed it in his hands and beamed. He caressed the mirror gently, tracing his finger on the intricate design of the mirrors. Maki smiled at Shuichi's happiness.

"Don't touch anything, they'll know it's you." Shuichi said. " Come on, Maki, we still have work to do."


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