Reincarnation of Protection

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She had always been one of the less hot-headed people. So when tragedy struck, she kept her head.

She allowed herself to be captured. They threw her in a different prison, far away from her beloved little brother. They quickly discovered that the young girl was extremely mature and had incredibly fighting skills for a 5-year-old. So, they trained her, at least... that's what they called it.

They drowned her over and over again until she was able to hold her breath underwater for at least 10 minutes.

They starved her over and over again until she could live without food or water for a little more than a week.

They beat her over and over again until she could handle a bunch of injuries without feeling any pain or fainting.

And these were the more... tame of their tactics.

The Future Foundation wanted a mindless girl that would fight for them, one that would die for them. Maki was not that girl.

As she rested after a long long day of training. The young killer would put her ear against the cold wall and listen. Never once did she hear a scream of agony from her brother, but she could still hear the sounds of impact as people hit him. She also listened helplessly as they would yell and hit him even more as the boy giggled softly to himself.

These noises filled her with pure rage, she promised that she would avenge him... and she did... mostly.

Unlike her brother, she understood what her mark meant. She understood her destiny. To her, it was an obligation, a pledge. An urge to serve... and urge to protect, love and cherish.

At the age of 6, Maki Hinata killed 30 men and women... actually, "killed" would be an understatement.
At the age of 6, Maki Hinata massacred 30 men and women. Only a few managed to escape; 7 men and 9 women.

She demanded the location of her brother, only to get the lame-ass answer of:

"I-I d-don't know!"

The girl cursed her own anger, for it had caused her to kill the people who had the answers she needed. In the end, she had no idea where her brother was and she was forced to flee from the main members of the Future Foundation; the Hope Group.

She despised them all. They betrayed them. She swore that she would never forgive them.

She ran and ran and ran, far away from the two voices that begged her to come back. The only thing that mattered to her is him. To her, he is worth so much and more. She cannot lose him. She had to protect him. But she couldn't.

She was homeless for a while, then sent to a shabby orphanage, one she quickly ran away from. She met a woman to had ties to the criminal underworld of Japan. She saw this as an opportunity to earn money.

So, the girl did what she was best at, she killed, and killed and killed. She ultimately decided that it was better to express as few emotions as possible. The thought of her brother never once left her mind, for it was the sole purpose she continued to fight. She continuously searched for clues about him, but to no avail.

The girl, now 10 years old, sat alone in her apartment, watching the TV lazily as she switched and switched the channel. She wasn't a fan of the news, she thought it was boring. She had even switched to the Britain channel out of sheer boredom.

The girl slumped on the couch, groaning. She clicked open her custom-made locket and stared into it sadly. Inside, was a picture of the boy she so adored. The girl cried to herself as she reminisced about their past. Suddenly:

"We are pleased to present our newest invention. It doesn't really have a name yet so let's just call it the Icy Coffin.

The Icy Coffin traps the person inside of it and puts them into an eternal sleep, all while preserving the person's beauty in a layer of frost and ice. It also halts their growth.

Look at him, with this invention the entire world can admire his beauty for all of eternity. This is the coffin of eternal beauty."

She couldn't find it in herself to bother about what the man said next. She could see him.

As the camera hovered over the Icy Coffin she saw that there was someone inside. Their soft cheeks were covered in frost and their long eyelashes looked perfect. Their chest rose and fell, their cold breath covering parts of the glass coffin. Their silky hair was incredibly long, making him look incredibly feminine.

Anyone that didn't know him wouldn't recognise him, but she wasn't just anyone, she was his damn older sister. She now knew her next destination; Britain.

. . .

More and more blood. The young killer didn't care. She had grown numb to that once horrifying colour of red.

The girl was now covered in blood; some ran along in her hair, dripping onto the ground, other's dripped from her arms and legs, staining her shoes. None of the blood was hers.

Keycard in one hand, knife in the other, she opened the door. There the coffin stood, the head of the box above the ground. It was very dark. The only exception was the one elegant ceiling light. The light reflected off the ice, making the coffin look as if it glowed.

Even with the special suit the girl had adorned before entering the room, she could still feel the freezing temperatures of the experiment.

It was beautiful, truly a sight to behold. Not a single piece of ugly medical equipment anywhere, everything was inside the coffin, away from sight. The glass was so clean it was almost painful to see such a dirty girl next to it. The insides of the coffin looked like an icy amethyst; crystals upon crystals of ice. Despite this, it still had a comfortable look to it.

Gifts and belongings of the experimented subject were laid beside the coffin. Objects the girl recognized.

No words could describe the god/goddess that slept inside.

The girl took out a key and lifted her hand to unlock it. Her breath was shaky, almost nervous. She unlocked the coffin and opened it, letting a bunch of visible cold air pour out onto her feet.

"It's time to wake up... Otouto."

The boy inside slowly opened his eyes and smiled elegantly.


That night, she who is inferior bowed to the person she considered her god, her reason of existence. She pledged to always protect him. Forever.

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