The Future Foundation Has (finally) Arrived!

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Hajime's POV

"A-ah! Y-you guys are a-awake! T-t-thank gosh!" I stuttered as I hugged myself and rubbed my arms. One by one, my students started to wake up until only a few remained.

"SHIT!" Miu yelled, shuddering. "It's fuckin' cold!!"


"We-we'll explain l-later," Makoto stuttered. I stood at the side, trying my best to control my chattering teeth. "We gotta go! Come on!"

Everyone in the room, except Mr Rich Rich standing over there, quickly rushed the students outside the room. Before I left, I turned back to look at Mr Richy Rich.

"Hey, Byakuya... you ok?" I asked the silent man. The Ultimate Affluent Progeny didn't respond, he just stood there brooding, all decked out in his fancy high-tech anti-cold suit, staring at the frozen VR pod that belonged to his son.

Kyoko told us about Shuichi a while ago and also told us about his strange memory loss condition that he somehow got. It was pretty ironic actually; the news of Despair's son bringing so much hope to everyone's eyes. But his memory condition probably has gotten worse than the last time Kyoko met him. Izuru reckons that he probably won't remember anything at all; not himself, not us, not even Maki.


"Do you think they'll hate us?" Byakuya suddenly asked. I didn't answer for a while. I walked up to Maki's pod. She clearly inherited Nagito's beauty. My little girl wasn't so little anymore.

"Maki definitely does..." I said sadly. It's painful to remember all those harsh glares she gave me and Nagito. It's not like we don't deserve it. I do, but Nagito doesn't. When Maki was jailed, Nagito begged practically every day to see her, but those assholes never let him, they even threw him out. Meanwhile... I... did... nothing. Kyoko and Makoto blame themselves the most, they just refused to show it.

"What about Shuichi..." Byakuya said. His voice was getting quieter with every word he spoke. "Do you think he hates me? For being such a dreadful father?"

I couldn't answer him... because I didn't know. As his reincarnation mark states, Shuichi is like his mother in many ways. Both of them are unpredictable and cruel (Shuichi generally being much kinder than his predecessor), and their logic and thinking are almost impossible to follow. It's their unique perspective on life that makes them so unique and unforgettable.

Shuichi's numerous skills and quirks, combined with Maki's undying loyalty, jeez. What these two could have accomplished... They probably could've become worse than Junko if they wanted to.

Byakuya suddenly snapped out his sad emo brooding mode and reverted back to his usual professional and intimidating demeanour.

"We should go make sure the rest of the kids are alright." he said. His face no longer held any sign of his emotions. It's almost freaky how he does that.

I quickly tail him as he briskly strolls out of the room.

After walking through many hallways and past many doors, we finally made it to the cosy little resting room (it's not actually called that, I just wasn't listening during the facility tour). The heaters had been turned on, so the sudden warmth hitting your skin felt like heaven. 

"You guys good?" Akane asked. The students groaned and others were too busy massaging their empty heads. I'm serious they're empty; I've (oh shut up Izuru) taught these guys for 2 years and they didn't learn shit.

"My head is spinning... my memory is fuzzy..." Kaede muttered.

"Am I high?" Rantaro asked as his head swayed in his bed. No, you aren't, kid, but I wish I was.

"Please rest for now," Peko said. Monotonous as ever I see. "The machines were programmed to return all of your memories after you leave the pod, so it's going to take a while for your brains to process all of it."

"They'll be a little frazzled for a while. But they should be fine after a good amount of rest." 

"A little?!" Kazuichi blurted out. Now, most eyes were on him.

"Yeah what the hell?!" Fuyuhiko joined in. "Big Friendly Giant, Atua bitch and Maid Woman are already fast asleep! And look at that guy! What's that fucker doing?!"

What's with the nicknames 'Hiko?

Everyone looked at Kaito, who was clutching his head and muttering random words, his tongue switching between English, Japanese, Spanish and a bunch of other languages. He sounded like a really busted google translate.

Izuru suddenly took control and knocked him out. Kaito collapsed onto the bed.


Not sorry. And don't you dare act like you care.

You're not wrong, but shut up. Go back to sleep!

We helped everyone and calmed them down until everyone was either sleeping soundly or resting their eyes. And by we I mean everyone else—Makoto, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, Akane, Mikan, Mahiru, Peko—Byakuya didn't do anything except read the paper about technical shit, I didn't do jack either. Everyone soon left to do other important things. I wanted to leave too.

"W-Wait! Mr Hinata! Hajime! Whatever!" Kaito shouted as I turned to leave. What the hell, I thought he was knocked out! Izuru, your getting rusty. Rustyzuru.

Fuck you.

"About sidekick- he-!"

"Is dying?" I cut him off. "We know Kaito."

"Take him out of the pod then! He needs to be warmed up. Maki-roll too! And everyone else! I don't know about Kiibo though..." the boy said, still holding his head. It was obvious that he was fighting the urge to fall asleep, his eyelids were droopy and he was struggling to get up from his bed.

"We can't Kaito..." I said sadly. "We're doing our best. But the program, or should I say, Monokuma, won't let anyone other than the spectators out. Monokuma's insistent on keeping everyone in the simulation."

"But... Monokuma did help a little..." Byakuya said. "Even though it was quite uncharacteristic of him."

"Oh yeah!" I recall. "He turned on the heating system in their pods."

"Explain it to me please..." Kaito begged. "Why was the room with all the pods so cold? Why was one pod frozen? Where did all the ice come from? And where's Kokichi?"

Byakuya and I quickly looked at each other. Yeah... that boy... I'm not sure if visiting him is... a good choice or not... He's kinda... what's the word? Unhinged... Unstable... 

"Everything will be explained tomorrow," Byakuya said, his voice and expression stern, leaving no room for arguments. "Now sleep."

He's younger than me, but he's still really cool. As an FF employee under him, and as a fellow parent, I respect him. He's still kind of an asshole sometimes, he has a pretty bad temper.

Byakuya went out of the room, his fancy formal dress shoes clicking as he walked. I gave Kaito a quick goodbye wave and followed behind him.

"Byakuya..." I started, but the businessman put his hand in front of my face, silencing me.

"I don't need your sympathy Hajime." he said. Daddy long legs then turned and entered another room, slamming the door in my face.


I walked away, cursing him in my head all the way. I wonder where Chiaki is...

A.N: Sorry it's a little short

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