Chapter Seventeen: Life goes on

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So I made a massive mistake today and I'm out of my personal assistant job. I had my beanie off and the lady walked in to see my ears. I explained what I was but, either way, I wasn't working for her anymore. Back to dog walking. And, to add to the bad news, Romeo passed away. He was a brown rat and they only live for two years. His two years were up. It was sad to see him go but that's life. But, as the years passed, I had many different jobs until I found one which I settled well for. An animal trainer. This would vary from misbehaving pets to zoo animals to circus animals.

And I was paid well for my method of doing it. I once even had a pet that the owners said they wanted to put down because of its behavior. I made sure that didn't happen. Along with all this, I thought I got myself in a little situation. As always, I would just walk around the forest, and a group of teens caught me. And, of course, I didn't have my ears or tail hidden so that was an issue. But, surprisingly, they didn't run or freak out. They just came over and asked me questions. But one question caught me off guard slightly.

One asked if I would star in a little video they were making for their school. I asked why they wanted me and they explained that they were assigned to make a music video for a project and thought I would be great for it. Bored at the time, I agreed. Let's just say, we traveled a lot just to make an almost three minute video. And I had to go with them to one of their places to record the song as I was the main focus. Along the way, I learned that these teens were working on a filming degree at college so that's why they asked for my help. Well, I was happy to help them.

Although, this would put me in a wormhole of being asked to do more. I didn't mind because it was fun. Though that soon led me into a completely different wormhole. So, the teens decide to put the videos online and so many people in the area were asking me to be part of either music videos or just mini-movies. Really anything they could think of. And I would become way more popular than I wanted to be. I somehow made it to the news at one point and people were now wondering what I was. I don't even know what I am.

I don't know if I'm part of a new species of human, I don't know if I'm the last of my kind, I don't know what I am. I've never met or seen anything like me before so how am I supposed to know? Either way, with fame, comes fans and, with fans, there are creeps. And I've met a lot of them. There are people who are just weird and obsessed. Any men, and a few women, have often asked me to be with them in a relationship but, every time, I tell them no. Because I'm not interested.

But most of them backed away when someone offered to make a music video of me dancing or singing or both to a song called 'Paparazzi' by Lady Gaga. Well,  agreed and, as I said, most of the crazy fans backed off. It was around about then I started to miss Starscream more than I thought I would. It's been almost three years since he left. I thought I would just forget him but no. I kind of miss his company, his funny antics, and just his general kindness. Well, his kindness towards me. Maybe not towards others as I discovered while with the Decepticons.

I am doubting that he's still fighting in the war because they were looking to be at the end of it when I left. So either they won and Starscream has gone back to Cybertron to rule over Vos again or the Autobots won and he's either in prison or on his own. I can really only imagine what he might be up to. I don't dare to think he's dead. He's a coward and, sometimes, cowards survive. I'm sure he's still out there somewhere trying to survive. I think it was stupid of me to tell him not to find me if he has nowhere else to go. But I still want to see what he'll do. For now, I'll wait and just continue working my way through life without him.

(A/N: Kind of a short chapter today because I have no idea what to say. I'll be back on track next chapter.)

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