Chapter Fourteen: The Predacon returns

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Get ready for another episode of Starscream trying to win Megatron's favor back. Though today's episode is a little more interesting. But we were currently in Shockwave's lab with Megatron talking about the Predacons that Shockwave plans to clone. But Starscream had a problem with that and, to be honest, I can agree with his argument.

"Is it really wise for Shockwave to spawn an army of beasts here in this laboratory, or within any part of this warship?" Starscream asked, "I mean, not even the lone beast we had was compact enough to stroll these corridors without tearing them asunder. Which reminds me, I am so very sorry for your loss."

"I was referring to my offsite laboratory, which we have erected expressly for the cloning procedures," Shockwave said

Starscream groaned, "You think of everything, don't you?"

Suddenly, there was rumbling from the roof above us! What's happening?

"We are under attack!" Starscream said

"Autobots?" I asked them

"Illogical," Shockwave said looking to see what the problem was, "Though there appears to be an enormous mass upon the upper hull."

So, we went to investigate with a few troops. When the door opened, there was our missing Predacon. How in the world did it find us? We're nowhere near where Darkmount used to stand.

"How did it find us?" Starscream asked

"Predacons possess precise homing instincts," Shockwave explained

"Oh, so like Romeo and I," I said almost impressed

"And astonishing resilience," Megatron commented, "Starscream, (Y/N), assume command of my beast."

I'm sorry, what? I'm an ant compared to this thing and Megatron wants me to command it with Starscream! This thing being a dragon, it can probably breathe fire and I don't want to be a fried fox! They all started to walk away

"Us, master?" I asked

"I--I mean, I wouldn't dream of seizing such an honor from its very creator," Starscream said

"Military command of the Predacon is most logical since my services are required elsewhere," Shockwave said.

Oh lovely. The doors closed on us so now we're stuck with this thing. But it was quick to just be rather calm. Being brave, Romeo jumped off my shoulder and went closer to it. They started to have a conversation. Which surprised me that I could actually hear the Predacon speak but Starscream can't. I didn't really eavesdrop on the conversation because I have Starscream to watch. He's trying to command the Predacon but it will not listen to him. Starscream tried to force the Predacon into its kennel but it wouldn't move.

Before I could even attempt to try, Starscream hit the Predacon with an electric prod which made the Predacon mad and almost melted Starscream with its fire! I was right about the fire breath. Thankfully Starscream had ducked just in time but part of his head had heated up a bit. Starscream managed to put it out while I kind of just laughed. Starscream acted all touch until the Predacon fought back. But Starscream had a plan B.

And that also involved leaving me with the Predacon while he was gone! It seemed to give me the hint that it had no intentions of hurting me. I picked up Romeo and put him back on my shoulder. The Predacon then picked me up by my hood and started to carry me somewhere. It took me to the covered entrance of the kennel, put me down, and laid down, curling around me like a mother fox with her children. The Predacon is like a normal animal. I don't see why everyone is treating it like a dangerous pre-historic creature.

Yes, that's what it is but it's still an animal. Starscream soon arrived again in the armor he lost ages ago and ordered the Predacon to go into its kennel. I backed away as the Predacon stood up. Starscream seemed very safe in his armor when the Predacon picked him up and started to shake him around like a rag doll. He was thrown at the wall when the Predacon was finished with him. I just lost it and laughed. Megatron then called asking if Starscream was with the Predacon. Yeah, we're here.

Megatron told us that one of the excavation teams have failed to report to him. Starscream was ready to take his armada to investigate when Megatron requested talking the Predacon. Though I wasn't allowed to join that mission. I'm not complaining. I got drama when they arrived back. The Predacon had successfully retrieved the Predacon bone and Starscream lost his armor again. Megatron was petting the Predacon for doing a good job when Knockout arrived to report something. 

"My liege, we've located another of Shockwave's Predacon energy signatures. Weak, but steady," Knockout said to Megatron

"Excellent. Knockout, do not return empty-handed," Megatron told him

"Moi? Don't know the meaning of the word."

"Isn't 'empty-handed' two words?" Starscream asked

"You would know, or did your missing armor turn up?" Knockout asked 

"Why, you wheel-bound-"

"Starscream!" Megatron interrupted, "You have failed me enough for one day. Assume the task of monitoring for Predacon energy signatures, at once!"

"Yes, my liege."

"I'm sure you'll find the gig as invigorating as I did, Screamer," Knockout said

Starscream groaned as Megatron and Knockout walked away.

"Shockwave has initiated the cloning process with the specimens gathered thus far. The Predacon currently among us will be but the first of a new wave of beast machine super-soldiers," Megatron told Knockout

The Predacon seemed to have been listening in. Starscream asked why it was just lurking about and told it to go back into its kennel. But, while trying to hit Starscream with its tail, it hit a satellite behind it. I'd laugh but what if that satellite is important? I asked what it does and that satellite handles communications. And Knockout has just left to collect another bone. Okay then, we need this satellite fixed quickly. Starscream got some troops to try and fix it. It was nighttime by the time they had it put back together. But does it work?

Starscream tried to reboot it but it just sparked at him. Sorry Starscream but I'm going to go get Megatron. I left with Romeo to report the problem to Megatron. But I accidentally forgot to say how long ago this happened. I just explained what happened so Megatron came to the flight deck with Soundwave. Soundwave started to repair the satellite when Starscream revealed how long the communications had been down. Megatron was not at all happy about this.

Knockout called when the satellite had been fully repaired. Knockout said that he had the bone in his sights but also a pair of Autobots riding his rear. Megatron sent some Insecticons to go help. Only Knockout came back with the bone. But Starscream wasn't hearing the last of the satellite problem.

"You have served me well today, Knockout. Which is more than I can say for some," Megatron said turning to Starscream

"It was the beast that disrupted communications, my liege," Starscream explained, "I beg you to reconsider Project Predacon. The creature is incorrigible, and void of all but the most rudimentary intelligence."

I don't think that's true. Though I'll never find out. Because the next day would be my last day in the ranks.

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