Chapter Fifteen: Thirst

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No surprise to any of us that all these recent events have made Starscream annoyed. But we were with Knockout on a project that Megatron assigned him with. He was told to improve something called 'Synthetic Energon'. I have no idea what it's supposed to be but the formula is incomplete. And who else to test the improved formula than Silas. Somehow, he had gotten ahold of a Cybertronion body and he's currently inside of it. The body is a bot named Breakdown. A friend of Knockouts. That must've been hard on him. Well, at least we'll have some payback from when they stole Starscream's T-Cog. But Starscream needed to rant first and, honestly, from everything I've witnessed, I don't blame him. 

Starscream began his rant with a groan, "Will my torment never end?! First I had to vie for Megatron's favor against that treacherous harpy Airachnid. Now I must contend with Shockwave and his incorrigible beast!"

"Oh, look at the bright side, Starscream. At least one of them is currently on ice, locked up tight in the vault of our Warship," I said.

"Oh, how I would love to stuff Shockwave and his mangy abomination right into that stasis pod beside her. The only reason his project Predacon is currently in full swing is because I supervised the acquisition of his dozens of Predacon bones," Silas moaned while Starscream continued to rant, "will you please keep your lab rat quiet while I'm airing my grievances?"

Silas continued to moan and groan weakly while strapped to a lab table.

"Starscream... help... me..." Silas weakly called out.

Starscream chuckled, "my, my, my. Whatever have you been inflicting upon poor Silas?"

"Ha! Well, anything that merits the need for a living petri dish," Knockout said.

Knockout injects a dose of Synthetic Energon into Silas and his eyes turn bright green and more moans. That must hurt if that's going into a living human. I know Energon is dangerous to humans so what can Synthetic Energon do to a human?

"Despite your justifiable lack of regard for his human side, it doesn't trouble you to watch what remains of your former partner endure your scientific endeavors?" Starscream asked.

"Not really," Knockout said, "besides, Silas once had poor Breakdown pinned to his lab table. I think my former partner would be pleased to be a part."

Silas continued to groan until he shut down.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"You recall that Synthetic Energon I recovered from the Autobots? Well, I've been reproducing the formula to test its viability as an alternative energy source. However, the compound remains erratic, and there have been side effects," Knockout explained.

"Such as?" Starscream asked.

Silas suddenly came back online screaming, "Starscream, I hope you replaced your T-Cog because I'm going to tear it out all over again and feed it to Knockout!"

"Sheer, unbridled aggression," Knockout said.

"Such power and fury! Megatron has long desired a beast-machine supersoldier, and we now possess the means of delivering one to him," Starscream said.

Starscream left to report what has been happening to Megatron. While he was gone, Knockout decided to inject him with two more doses of Synthetic Energon before leaving to ask Starscream about what happened. Unfortunately for me, I was stuck with Silas who wouldn't shut up. He tried to beg me to let him go but I didn't do anything. This is my revenge for what he did to Starscream. Soon Knockout and Starscream came back and Silas yelled at the top of his lungs and threatened all three of us.

"Just how much of this Synth En have you given him?" Starscream asked.

"Two additional doses, three at the most," Knockout said picking up another dose of Synthetic Energon, "but Silas' increasingly volatile nature isn't the only wrinkle," Knockout injected the fourth dose and Silas struggled against his restraints, "it appears that the more green stuff I administer, the faster this monstrosity formally known as Breakdown burns through his natural Energon reserves."

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