Chapter Eight: The Arctic

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So we now have a Starscream corpse. A corpse that I, for some reason, had the honor of cutting open with Cybertonion medical tools to find the T-Cog in this clone. I guess Starscream is going with my plan with using it to replace his missing one. Starscream had left to do something else while I did this. It somehow wasn't that hard to find it. Being careful, I took the T-Cog out and put it to the side. What do we do with the body? I patched up the hole I made to get the T-Cog and waited for Starscream.

When he came back, he said that he had something for me. Curious, I walked over to him. Since he apparently didn't trust me with my knife after my little accident, he wants to give me a new weapon which he managed to steal from M.E.C.H.. It was quite clearly a prototype weapon but thought it would suit me. He gave me a pair of gloves. They were black driver's gloves with holes at the knuckles and a big one at the back of the hand. Confused, I put them on and felt something at the tips of fingers. I had no idea what it was but somehow I managed to trigger the gloves to give me claws!

Oh, now I feel like a fox. And these should be easier to use. I started to practice with them a little while Starscream took the T-Cog away and looked for a few things. Once he had everything he needed, he called me over for some help. He wanted me to attempt the T-Cog transplant. He seemed way too confident in me but I said I'd give it a go. Just reverse everything I did with the clone. Sounds easier than it probably will be. Starscream lay on the Medical bed, ready for me to begin the procedure. I was very hesitant to do surgery on my friend.

I'm just thankful that the Harbinger interrupted saying that there were four Decepticon teams at four different locations on Earth. Strange. But Starscream was curious about the big activity so he said we could attempt the surgery later. Okay, good. But how do we get to any of the locations when they're thousands of miles away from where we are? Starscream had a look around when he found two things that might be useful. A little hover scooter and a remote control for one of those portals everyone had been using.

Good to know after weeks of not knowing that the portals are called Groundbridges. Why did it take so long to get that answer? Starscream, for some reason, decided to go to the Arctic for some bizarre reason. Yes, I can survive your normal winter temperatures thanks to my fox side but what about the Arctic temperatures? I guess we'll find out. Starscream set a Groundbridge for there, put me and himself on the scooter, and went through. Okay, it is freezing out here!

This was a horrible idea but there's no going back now. I put my hood up like I was expecting it to give me extra warmth. Starscream seemed to hate the cold too. He was complaining about it anyway. I think we soon found the Decepticons because they started to shoot at us! Starscream stopped heading towards them and tried to speed off, away from the danger. But this thing clearly wasn't meant for speed. The Decepticons shot at us enough to make the ice around us fall and get in our way.

They would continue to shoot at us until something knocked us off the scooter! Starscream face planted on the ground while I landed a bit away from him. The Decepticons transformed and stopped in front of us, pointing their guns at us. I practically crawled over to Starscream, not wanting any part of that.

"Decepticons, do you not realize you have just shot down your ship's Commander?!" Starscream asked them

Something landed next to us making Starscream quickly grab me, possibly out of instinct

"You command no one, deserter," They said

"Skyquake? B-but you're..." Starscream backed away

"You mistake me for my brother, who is one with the Allspark, as you are, no doubt, aware, former commander Starscream."

Starscream laughed nervously as he stood up, putting me back on the ground. Who was Skyquake and who is his brother? Though I'm going to assume they're twins if Starscream mistook the two. 

"Were it up to me, I would end this here and now," They said before putting handcuffs on Starscream, "But it is my duty as First Lieutenant to Megatron to render all traitors to my lord and master for due punishment."

"First Lieutenant?!" Starscream asked, "That's my post!"

The other Decepticons aimed their guns at Starscream again.

"Was your post," I corrected not exactly wanting him to get shot! 

Maybe it wasn't best for me to speak up because this Decepticon ordered one of the other to grab me and basically hold me hostage! Great. We were forced to walk with them as they looked for whatever they were looking for. 

"Commander Dreadwing, this must be a very important mission if Megatron has dispatched his second-in-command. Scouting for Energon, or something else altogether?" Starscream asked the Decepticon. Well, now I know his name

"That is none of your concern," Dreadwing said

"If we knew what you were looking for, perhaps we could help," I said

I was squeezed basically being told to shut up. Didn't have to be hash. We arrived at the location to see that a hole had been cut out of the wall and flags had been planted around it. They were looking for some kind of relic. They wouldn't say what so I guess not even they know. Starscream even asked but they ignored us and started to look around. Starscream tried to speak up again about giving me to him since I'm no threat to them. I never planned to be but Dreadwing didn't let me go with Starscream.

One of the others reported that there were vehicle tracks so Dreadwing assumed it was the Autobots. I doubt that. Why would they plant flags around if they took the relic? Seems stupid to me. Starscream pointed that out but Dreadwing didn't care much for Starscream's comment. It's like he thought he knew better than Starscream.

He threatened to kill Starscream and just leave him here. Just out of panic for my friend, I begged Dreadwing not to. Before he could direct any threat to me, we heard a vehicle approaching. A Semi truck in the middle of the Arctic? Dreadwing ordered the others to guard Starscream and me. This should be intresting. 

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