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The two adorable siblings downstairs were sitting there, still snuggled, yet complexed. All they could hear was excessive banging and sudden whines coming from somewhere upstairs, although they couldn't depict where. They didn't want to go up though, because William commonly tells them not to due to the fact he is doing 'very important job things'. But this time, it was practically impossible to resist, however Y/N didn't want her little sister to get scolded for being bad behaved by going upstairs, so they agreed to only allow Y/N to go upstairs.
"Yeah, should I go?" Y/N asked curiously. Elizabeth looked into the far distance and zoned out whilst pondering. "Mhm! You should!" Lizzy exclaimed to her sibling, she didn't look at any negatives in this situation, only the positives as she was taught by her father. Y/N nodded slowly, and began to tip-toe her way across the floor as tranquil as possible. She then encountered the stairs and there was no possible method for her to get up the stairs without the stairs sneakily. But, Y/N doesn't think of negatives either, she doesn't know about the real scenario which occurred whilst she was snoring her head off beside her sister. She sprinted up the stairs and shouted "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" He wasn't anywhere to be seen, presumably in his office. Nobody can go into his office without permission from himself the moment before. She hushed herself and saw the door open. She knew this wasn't necessarily normality for her brother, Michael, as he was a very private person. She turned her head softly like a dog. She was very cautious approaching his door, because Michael never approved of unexpected visitors. Y/N froze in her tracks. She heard something she had never heard before coming from Michael's room, it was high-pitched sobbing and sniffling. She didn't know what to do, except from continue on to his room and hope for the best. She finally reached his door frame without getting noticed, and slightly budged his door open. Y/N just stood there like a silhouette. "Not right now." Michael stubbornly addressed, not making any eye contact with her. She still lingered at the door frame. "What the FUCK did I just say to you, Y/N? You're really testing my patience. Get the fuck out." Michael declared, only sometimes raising his tone. Y/N knew she couldn't give up, and something was truly wrong with him. She was fed up, and plodded into his room with a soft, comforting smile on her face. "WHAT FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Michael pounced at her and scrunched his fists tightly together, as if he was about to smack her one. "You do not understand what you have done to me, do you Y/N? Why couldn't you just hang around with your own bunch of fucking weirdos?" Michael muttered under his breathe in a surprisingly different tone. Y/N didn't stop, and strolled into his room as if she was perfectly fine with Michael. Michael clenched his fists as tight as he could, and almost swung, but he was interrupted by the grasp of Y/N's hand onto his pale fists. He looked up at her, confused. Before trying to even talk to Michael, she quietly closed the door behind herself. She smiled, and gently got onto his bed and sat down. "What are you doing?" he questioned her, way more comforting than before. "Why are you here?" Y/N didn't know how to explain it. "Because I love you, Michael. I just wanted to check up on you..." she convinced him with all hopes of him believing. He felt loved more than ever before, and he felt like he was worthy of being called someone's brother for once. His eyes lit up every so slightly with a warm glow, and his cheeks went rosy red. He instantly reached for the back of his head and scratched, forcing himself to look away from the 'awkward' situation. His arms suddenly opened and Y/N dived in them, Michael was swaying with her in his arms and it was the most beloved feeling in so long. They stayed like this for a couple of minutes before he started getting incredible migraines. He dropped onto his bed and just spaced out for a moment. "Mikey? Are you okay?" Y/N worriedly questioned. She had no response except from a slight "mhm" whilst he was still lying down. He was felt weary and his eyes were pulling themselves together like a magnetic connection. His eyes rolled back into his head and his head sluggishly rotated to the left. "MIKEY!" Y/N yelled uneasily. She dived next to him and started to touch his face, it felt intensely hot. Michael was in a state of mind where there was no worries, and it was just him and his beloved mother. He soon awoke, and gasped for air. "Mikey! What happened?" Y/N instantly asked, concerned. "I'm not sure..." he was bewildered, his mind was chaotic and foggy. It was trying to present him something but he didn't know what. That soon changed as a picture blurred into focus of him and his mother, the only picture that he has of her before she passed. He sniffled loudly, before his eyes cried tears of love and hurt. He weeped, sucking up his own tears and hugging Y/N tightly, as if Michael was a warm blanket. Her scent, her face, her hair. Everything reminded Michael of her. Y/N gently pulled his hair back, and gave him a peck on his forehead. Michael returned to his normal position from the hug, and looked joyful yet in agony. She reminded him exactly like his mother. "Hey, I know it's weird...But could you play with my hair? Mom always used to do it." Michael chuckled and did a stretched out sniffle. "Yes I can Mikey, yes I can..." Y/N whispered under her breathe, feeling tired for Michael.

Time passed.
At this point they had to be cuddling for hours without even realising it, they had many giggles and emotional moments, but now they were absolutely shattered. Michael was half asleep and was still grasping Y/N as tight as possible. He dragged her to the top of the bed near the pillows, and spooned her. His clutch got more enclosing, and he buried his head deeply into Y/N's hair. Before they knew it, they were both fast asleep, snoring as the night went by.

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