The Punishment

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The drive was incredibly long, and stretched out a little bit more than preferred, William just wanted his daughter at home, comfortable and safe. As for Y/N and Michael, they were fast asleep, Michael being in the front and Y/N cuddled in the back with her sweater. William reached an unmoving part of traffic, and his teeth were gritting together in pure anger. He sharply raised his arm in-front of Michael's face, and William clicked his fingers, ensuring that he was awake and making sure to constantly check on his little sister. He scared Michael to death, and he almost hit his father from shock. Michael groaned under his breath, he just wanted to be home and be in his room, although with his father it's now got to a point that his father's nasty actions are normality, and they are starting to inflict on him. "Wake up." William stated emotionless, too concentrated on the road. "I am." Michael replied furiously, but he had to hide the fact that he could punch his father right now. "Mhm." William gave a mumbled response back to him, not having the energy or the time to reply to him. He slammed his foot down on the accelerator and forced Michael's head to slam the back of the seat, followed by a moan of Y/N getting chucked into the seat ahead of her. William pulled over and aggressively braked. "My darling! Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm so sorry honey..." William spoke in a soft, warming voice. Y/N nodded and gave her father a sweet little smile to let him know to continue on with his journey. As he traced his eyes off his daughter, he cut his eyes at Michael, and honestly couldn't care less. Michael just scrunched his face and looked away into the far distance of the roads surrounding him.

A hour passed.

William did a large sigh of relief as he pulled onto his drive-way outside of his house. He checked in the rear-view mirror to check if his daughter was okay, or if she was asleep or not. It turns out, that she was wide awake and just gazing into the gorgeous, sapphire night sky. "Alright my dear, we're here!" William exclaimed with a big smile on his face. Y/N smiled with excitement, and unbuckled her belt. Before she could open her door, her hand slipped, reclining back to her as her father opened the door for here. He held her hand as she got out the car. "Be careful!" he giggled playfully, as he continued to hold his daughter's hand into the house. He gave a deadly stare to Michael, indicating him to open the door and Michael tugged the keys out of his hand. He twisted the key with an aggravated look on his face, and tugged on the door with all of his body strength. They walked in, and William pushed Michael back, allowing Y/N to go first. She gave a small smile, and walked in, instantly sliding her shoes off her sweaty feet and her father placing them on the shoe rack for her. He then pulled the arm of her coat gently, and hung her coat neatly on the pegs. Michael scoffed, and his father noticed, he scowled at Michael, communicating to him through eye contact, telling him to get upstairs right now. Y/N stood there confused, until she was distracted by Lizzy running up to her and giving her a loose hug. "Lizzy!" Y/N squealed with excitement. "Sissy! I missed you!" Elizabeth buried her head into Y/N's shoulder. They both giggled and ran into the living room. William grinned, and followed them. "Hey darlings." William announced whilst staring at Y/N. "How about we watch a movie together, how does that sound?" He was proud of himself for clearly making his daughters fill up with happiness and excitement. "Yes yes!" They both said in sync, running up to each-other, Y/N grabbing her hand and pulling Elizabeth gently onto the sofa right next to her. "Hey...where's the room for me?" William asked while pretending to be sad. They sniggered and Y/N scooted up, and cuddled up to her father like a dog. As for Lizzy, she jumped onto Y/N's lap and they shared a soft, sage green, crocheted blanket. The movie they watched was 'The Wild Adventures of Sally and Lilly'. This was Y/N's favourite movie ever, but surprisingly Elizabeth had never watched it before. They were all a perfect family, likes peas in a pod.

Apart from Michael.

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