Lana's birthday

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Lily pov:

I woke up feeling even more tired. I looked to my left to see Lana's back. I wrapped my arm around her as I felt another arm already wrapped around her. I got on my elbows and saw Sean laying next to her. They were facing each other. Cute. I laid down again and moved closer to Lana. I was still wearing my robe. It was kind of wet cause I took it on after I had been in the shower. I carefully got out of the bed without waking up Lana and Sean. I went into my room and changed clothes. I put on an oversized t-shirt and some shorts. As I touched my hip the pain immediately hit me. I groaned a bit.

I went back into Lana's bedroom and got under the sheets again without waking them. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Even though I was tired my mind kept thinking. I wrapped my arm around Lana and I could feel Sean's arm too. As I did Lana groaned. She turned around and saw me. She instantly smiled at me and placed her hand at my cheek. "hey" she said in her sleepy voice. "hi..." a spark of love appeared in Lana's eyes and she smiled even brighter at me. "you know you're beautiful?" she asked me. "You only say that cause I look like you" "I know" she replied and I let out a chuckle. "No just kidding. You are beautiful" she added. I smiled.

Sean slowly woke up too and moved closer to Lana from behind. "are you guys holding some kind of a family meeting without me?" he asked also in a sleepy voice. Lana chuckled "no I was just reminding her of how beautiful she was". "that's because she looks like her mother" Sean said and caressed Lana's hair. Lana looked at me and giggled cause he said the exact same thing as me.

"what time is it?" Lana asked. "it's 8pm" I answered her. "god already." "guys we forgot the food" Sean then said. "what food?" I asked and frowned. "as crazy as it sounds your dad made us food" Lana said and giggled. Sean punched her shoulder teasingly. "im not really that hungry..." i said. "me neither to be honest" Lana added. We both waited for Sean's reaction. He just laughed at us. "i guess we have lunch for tomorrow then" he said. "i'll go downstairs and put it in the fridge" Lana said and got up. I immediately missed the warmth of her body.

Sean pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around me. "how are you feeling?" he asked me. "mom already told you right?" I asked. "of course she did. So how are you feeling?." "better but still bad" "i get that" he said as he tucked a strain of hair behind my ear. "mom has probably already told you all these stuff but please come to us when you feel like that. I know it's delicate but it's important that you talk to someone" he said. "i know" i mumbled. He caressed my hair as Lana walked in. "ready for snuggles?" she asked as she jumped onto the bed. "wow" I let out. She started tickling me and got on top of me. "MOM!" I shouted as I laughed. "any last words?" she asked while having her arms raised up. "no" I said. She then started tickling me even more and I was laughing so hard. "dad help me" I shouted and he just laughed and started tickling me too. Now Lana was on top of me and Sean next to me. I couldn't do anything but laugh. They both didn't come near my hips of course. "mom, dad stop!" I said and they finally stopped. Lana was trying to catch her breath and so was Sean. "mom why are you even on top of me?" I asked and let out a chuckle. "cause I like being on top of my daughter" she answered. "mom again, gross" "you have such a dirty mind" she then said. "guess where  I got it from." she stuck out her tounge and I did as well.

"you girls" Sean said and shook his head. Lana punched his arm. "you just feel left out" she said teasingly. "i'd rather be alone than being a girl" "heyyy" me and Lana said at the same time. "you have no idea what qualities there are in being a girl" Lana said and smirked. "except from getting period, giving birth and-" Lana cut him off. "you're only naming the bad things now" "yes exactly. I would much rather be a girl than a boy. Boys are crazy, immature and they think they are so cool" I added. Sean lifted a brow and looked at me. "you little-" he said and started tickling me again. But this time it was the girls against the boys. Technically the girls against THE boy. We attacked Sean with tickles and we already won after 10 seconds. "and the girls wins!" Lana said as she took my hand and raised it. We all laughed.

Lana Parrilla is my mom! (I never thought i'd find you)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora