Meeting Lana Parrilla

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Lily POV:

It was friday and i was going to the happy ending con tomorrow where i'll meet Lana Parrilla. Im so excited cause i've been wanting to meet her for 3 years now since i first laid eyes on her when i was 11. I know her from the tv show once upon a time where she plays the evil queen/Regina Mills. I have bought an OP picture with her and a ticket to the actual convention where the whole cast is going to be there talking and answering questions. Ohh im so happy. My mom and dad are going to take me there while my brother stays at my grandmother's house. We're gonna be away for the whole weekend and im so so so excited i can't even express my happiness.

The clock was now 9pm and i was about to head to bed. My mom stuck her head in from my door. "goodnight honey" she said. "goodnight mom" she then closed the door and on the back of it was a big poster of Lana. I looked at it and smiled before i closed my eyes and turned on my side to fall asleep.

The next morning i woke up to the smell of pancakes. I got out of bed and put on some shorts and an oversized t-shirt. And when i looked myself in the mirror it hit me. IM GOING TO MEET LANA PARRILLA TODAY. How could i forget. I've literally been excited for months and then when it's about to happen my mind just forget it. Typical. I went downstairs and saw my dad standing in the kitchen flipping pancakes. I noticed that it was chocolate chipped pancakes. My favourite. "morning honey" he said. "morning". He went over to place a plate at the table and he then carreassed my hair on his way back. "soo
you're ready for today's big event" my mom asked me while walking into the room. My dad looked up at me and smiled. "yes im so excited" they both just smiled and we sat down. "Charlie!" my dad yells. Charlie is my little brother. He's 11 years old. A few minutes after, he comes running down the stairs "hey, hey walk" my mom said and looked at him. I took a bite of my pancake and it tasted delicious.

The clock was now 10am and we needed to drive in 30 minutes. I went upstairs and changed clothes. I didnt know what to wear. I was thinking of two outfits. The first one was a purple crop top, blue jeans and a cropped hoodie you could zip. The second one was an oversized green shirt, the same blue jeans and a black sweatshirt if it got cold. I stood there for a second before i chose to wear outfit one. I then changed and put on some jewelry. I put on my heart necklace that said "i love you." I took my phone that had been charging and went downstairs. My mom and dad were already standing there ready. My little brother was coming too cause we needed to set him off at my grandma's house. "should we go?" my mom asked. "yes" i then answered and we all went out the door and headed to the car. I sat in the back with Charlie.

After about 30 minutes we stopped. I looked out the window and saw my grandmother standing on the stairs to her house. Charlie went out and walked up to her. She then waved at me and we continued driving. Again after 30 minutes we stopped. I then looked up from my phone but not to my gandmother this time. But to a big poster hanging on a big building. It was a poster of the ouat cast. But my eyes went straight to Lana's face. I smiled and felt a wave of excitement through my body. We clicked up our belts and went inside.

We stepped into a big hall with a bunch of people. The time was now 11.35am and the con was starting at 12pm. So we had 25 minutes to show our tickets, get some food and find our seats. At 11.55 i checked my phone. I was sitting at my seat. We were placed at the second row, so we had a good view. I went into camera on my phone and got ready to film. Soon after the interviewer started talking. "hi everyone. Nice to see all of you and thank you for coming today" he said and everyone cheered. "let me introduce you to the cast of once upon a time. Welcome to the sweet and kind snow white, Ginnifer goodwin, and please welcome the honorable thief Robin hood, welcome Sean maguire" and he went on like that and finally he welcomed Lana.

As soon as Lana walked in on the stage tears started rolling down my cheeks. My mom put an arm around me and tried comforting me. I couldn't take my eyes off Lana. She was just so beautiful. Her brown hair, brown eyes and beautiful smile. I was recording but my phone could barely stand still cause my hand was shaking so much. After about 10 minutes of staring at Lana she suddenly looked back. Our eyes were connected. She looked at me really intense and it looked like she was scanning me. She was really looking at me from top to toe. She then reached my eyes again and she smiled. I of course smiled back but I couldn't stop thinking about why she was staring that much. After a while we made eyecontact again and she started staring at me like before. But it was not in a creepy way. It was in a really comfortable way and i could just see the warmth in her eyes. I just smiled at her and then she smiled back with a big bright smile.

When the convention was done the audience and the cast started to get up. My eyes were still on Lana of course and i could see that hers was on me too. She was about to get off the stage but she kept looking at me all the way until she was gone. I frowned a bit.

After that it was time for pictures. I went over to the area where all the photos would take place. My mom and dad followed me through it all. I then went over and stood in the line. 10 minutes after it was my turn. Lana was saying goodbye to the girl in front of me in the line.

I then walked towards her and she turned around and faced me. She then started smiling and went over hugging me. "i was hoping you would come" she whispered in my ear. I didn't know what to do. Lana just hugged me and said she hoped i came again. We pulled away from each other and she smiled at me. "so what's your name?" she asked. Somehow she was very courious after my name. "Lily" i said and smiled. Her smile faded away. i started to worry. She almost looked schoked. She then managed to let out a "what a beautiful name". "thank you" i said while wondering why she had tears in her eyes. We then walked over and she asked me how i wanted us to pose. "i just thought we maybe could hold hands. I-if that's okay" i said. "yes of course" she then took my hand and it was so warm. I've never been happier than I was in this moment. She looked at me and smiled. I could look at that smile forever. It makes me feel so calm, safe and comfortable. I just smiled back and a spark appeared in her eyes.

The camera man took the picture and we got out of our pose. She hugged me before i went out. This time more tight. I then thanked her for her time and went out. I spotted my parents and as soon as i hugged them i started crying. All my emotions suddenly came like a really big wave through my body. What i had just experienced was so overwhelming. But in a good way of course. "was it as good as you expected?" my mom asked me. "better" i said while still crying. They just hugged me tighter and after a while we then went over and found a place we could eat some food. After i had calmed down a bit a man in a security suit came over and interrupted me and my parents talking. "excuse me lady, is your name Lily?" "yes" i said confused. "would you please follow me?" he then asked. I looked over at my parents and they were just as confused as i was. "have i done anything wrong?" i asked. "no don't worry, you have done nothing wrong" "uhm ok. Well can i bring my parents?" i asked him. "yes of course. Just follow me"

Lana Parrilla is my mom! (I never thought i'd find you)Where stories live. Discover now