What is Lily hiding?

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TW: this chapter contains selfharming and cuts. please be aware if that can trigger you. otherwise i hope you like this chapter. lots of love<3

Lily POV:

Most of the day I just spent in my mom's trailer with Bex. We drank tea, gossiped and enjoyed each other's presence. As I was sitting with my phone and answering some messages from my friends the door opened and my mom stepped inside the trailer. "Hey guys" she said. Bex was in the back of the trailer so she didn't hear her. "Hi" I just answered short. She took off her jacket and shoes and joined me on the bed "someone's in a bad mood?" She asked me while removing my hair from my face. "No" I answered and lied. I don't know why I was in a bad mood cause I literally have everything I ever wanted. I've just been feeling a bit down lately. Actually really down. I've begun cutting and self harming again. I quitted about 5 months ago but lately everything except Lana have just been feeling kinda off and that made me start doing it again. I feel numb every hour of the day. I don't know how to tell Lana. I'm scared she'll be mad, or she'll worry too much about it and get stressed. "What are you thinking of?" Lana asked while looking at me. "Nothing much" I answered. "Well, I can see something's bothering you." a wave of nervousness went through my body. How does she know me so well? I'm really not in the mood to take this conversation right now. "Mom I'm fine, seriously" "don't lie to your own mother" she said and moved closer to me. "What's wrong, you can tell me" she said. I sighed. She placed her hands at my hips to move me closer to her and as she did I let out a groan because of the pain I felt. When I started cutting again I decided to do at at the hips so Lana wouldn't notice. It would be too obvious if I did it at my wrist. But at the hips she wouldn't notice it. Or as I thought. "What was that?" She asked confused. "Nothing" I said praying that she wouldn't find out. "No tell me what that was Lily." Fuck. I didn't say anything. I just sighed and closed my eyes. She slowly pulled up my shirt and she gasped. I opened my eyes to see her eyes being wide opened. And her mouth as well. "Lily!" "Yes...?" I answered not really caring anymore. "That's cuts. Where did you get these from?" She asked worried, but also already knowing the answer. "Myself" I just said. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Baby why?" She asked while stroking her hand over my cuts. "Cause lately I've been feeling numb. I needed to feel something and pain is better than nothing" I said completely honest. As I finished that sentence another tear rolled down her cheek. "I never knew you felt bad mentally. Why didn't you tell me, I could have helped you" she said trying to hold her tears back. "Cause I didn't want to bother you. I love you so much and I didn't want to put any stress on you."  A tear rolled down my cheek too. "Oh baby" she said as she pulled me onto her lap hugging me. "You could never stress me. When I gave birth to you I took the job as a mother and I'm not going to quit again. I'm here for you. Please promise me to talk to me when you feel like this. I can't stand the thought of you being alone In your own head with all your thoughts." "You are my everything" she added at the end. A sob slipped my mouth and as it did I started sobbing even harder. Bex came out and Lana waved her out of the trailer. "When did you cut the last time?" She asked me still crying. "Two days ago" I answered. "Honey" she said and pulled my head into her chest. "I'm here, don't worry. I'll always be by your side no matter what. Never be scared to tell me anything again. Please promise me that" "I promise" I said and she held me even tighter. 

Sean POV:

When I was done filming a scene with Colin and Emilie I went over to Lana's trailer to relax. When I stepped in I saw Lana sitting with Lily in her arms on the bed. Lily was sleeping and Lana had clearly been crying cause her mascara was all over her cheeks. "Lana what's wrong?" I whispered in a worried voice. She didn't say anything. She just pulled up Lily's shirt and there. There it was. Cuts all over her hips. I froze. My little girl I thought to myself. A tear rolled down Lana's cheek. I didn't understand. I was in schok. Lana was right. She has been self harming. A tear also rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away. I went over to Lana and tried to comfort her while I was still in completely shock. I caressed her dark brown hair and she started to sob but then instantly tried to hold it in so she wouldn't wake up Lily. "Shhh" I said against her hair as I kissed the top of her head. Lana's hands moved from Lily to me and she hugged me tight. She was also in complete shock. I can't even imagine how Lily has been feeling. Why didn't she tell us? Why did she even do it? Why didn'twe notice sooner? All these questions crossed my mind and they made me feel dizzy. I carefully crawled over them both and laid down. Lana took my hand and I held it tight. 

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